prawns on the barbie australia day
Photo: Ian Wallace

Throw a local prawn on the barbie this Australia Day long weekend

QUEENSLANDERS are being urged to tuck into some of the best seafood the world has to offer, available right here on our doorstep, this Australia Day long weekend.

Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries Mark Furner encouraged his fellow Queenslanders to join him in getting stuck into some delicious local produce, while at the same time helping support our seafood industry. “Australia Day for my family always includes fresh seafood and this year is no different,” Minister Furner said. “It’s more important than ever we support Queensland’s local seafood businesses, which have done it tough these past 12 months. Our seafood industry is world-class and I encourage all seafood lovers to head down to their local market this Australia Day long weekend.”

Minister Furner acknowledged the impact white spot disease has had on the seafood industry in southeast Queensland and reassured people that local prawns were completely safe to eat.

“The Queensland Government has spent more than $15 million to date on the white spot disease response and this is expected to increase to more than $25 million over the next two years,” he said. “We have eradicated white spot disease from the prawn farms where it was first detected and our latest round of surveillance suggests our containment strategy is working and the disease has not spread. We are focused on returning Australia to a white spot disease-free status so our seafood businesses continue to grow.”

To find your local seafood supplier, visit the Queensland Seafood Marketers’ Association website and use the online prawn finding tool:

For more information about white spot disease, visit or phone the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries on 13 25 23.

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