hobie round 7 kayak series

Tough bite on Gold Coast for Hobie round 7

hobie round 7 kayak series hobie round 7 kayak seriesThe Hobie round 7 kayak series was held over the weekend on the Gold coast.

We had over 80 entrants at this round, making it very busy on the waterways. Day 1 consisted of over half the field moving up from Southport (launch point) to the Nerang river. Fishing the canals was difficult for most as with so many kayaks in one area it was hard to find fresh water. The bream were biting for most but unfortunately most were undersize. This became frustrating as they were so thick you could not find a quality fish between them.

Day 2 was a much thinner field moving up the Nerang. As a result, the guys that put the time into travelling came out trumps with better quality fish. Others fished flats and headed north towards runaway bay. The flats around Southport and wave break island had heaps of fish on them but again most undersize. Small crankbaits were the only thing getting the fish to bite but after a full day fishing the fats no big fish were accounted for

After a big weekend for most we all got to chatting about the hard bite that we had all encountered. Most stories aligned and was very equal for most. Hopefully the fishing will improve for the Hobie world series coming up in the next few weeks.

The good news taken out of this is that even though small fish were thick, this will make school holiday fishing on the gold coast fun for the kids!


About Wellington Point Marine

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