Useful boat maintenance

Useful boat maintenance tips from John Crawford Marine

AFTER your day out on the water, wash down your boat with a good-quality boat wash. Don’t forget the anchor well and winch strap/wire and to remove the bung plugs.

Useful boat maintenance tips must include washing your trailer and inside the frame and under the mudguards with plenty of fresh water. Don’t forget the brakes (if applicable) and crossmembers. Flush your motor with fresh water for at least three minutes. Refer to your manufacturer’s recommendations via their webpage, or often video demonstrations found on YouTube.

Roll, not fold your side curtains when removed because they will crease and damage the ‘clears’. Store dry and fit side curtains regularly, as they can shrink. Use silicon spray on zips for lubrication. Avoid CRC/WD40 etc. Place a bit of Vaseline on your canopy clips and studs to help reduce corrosion build-up and in turn make clipping on/off easier.

Spray your engine (under the cowl) with a Lanoline-based corrosion guard. Never use WD40 or CRC because these are penetrative-based oils and may damage plastics.useful boat maintenance

Think safety first when refuelling. Avoid using any ethanol-based petrol often referred to as E10. Avoid using fuel older than 12 weeks.

Trailer lights, bearings and brakes (if applicable) should be inspected/checked regularly to ensure they are all in working order.

Check tyre pressures regularly. Maximum pressure can be found on the sidewall of the tyre expressed in PSI. Follow tyre pressure recommendations from the manufacturer.useful boat maintenance

We recommend an annual engine service or after every 50 hours of use, whichever comes first. Book your motor in for a service eight weeks prior to holidays to avoid the pre-holiday rush.useful boat maintenance

Store your boat dry to avoid mildew and mould build-up. Store it bow high with the bung plugs removed to allow water to drain.

When storing your boat between trips, always disconnect your battery or batteries. Your boat may have an isolation switch that can be turned to the ‘off’ position.

Tools and spares (MacGyver kit)
Carry an assortment of tools and spares on board in your family’s best Tupperware container! Consider packing a small and large shifter, screwdrivers, electrical tape, WD40, spare bungs, zip ties, a couple of cotton rags, a tube of grease, some wire and a lighter.

Safety gear
Set up a calendar reminder in your phone for expiry dates on flares, EPIRB, registration renewals and so on. Remember to check your safety gear before each trip for condition and compliance in the area you intended to go boating.

For more useful boat maintenance information, visit our website John Crawford Marine Queensland’s used boat specialists since 1964.

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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