We want your fish frames!

We want your fish frames !
We need fish frames from recreational fishers to help with the monitoring of Mulloway, Yellowtail Kingfish, Snapper, Dusky Flathead, Blue Spotted Flathead, Pearl Perch Spanish or Spotted Mackerel.We don’t just want huge trophy fish, the little ones are just as important as the big ones.
All legal length frames are wanted and will help with this important work. Data collected by this program will contribute toward ensuring continued quality recreational fishing opportunities for your favourite species into the future.
As with all of the fish collected as part of the RAP, we are interested in learning more about the age structure and reproduction of these important recreational species. Both of these species are highly regarded table fish and with many anglers targeting them we hope to see plenty of donations!
The earbones (otoliths) are used to determine the age of the fish. Age data is used to build a picture of the age structure of the species population. This combined data details how many fish there are of each age in the stock, which helps evaluate the health of the species. By collecting this data over time we can also see how the structure of fish populations in NSW may be changing.
If you would like to donate your frames to help out with this important research you can check out your closest drop off location here https://bit.ly/3mQR5Ty.
And remember, every frame you donate to the RAP gives you an entry into our monthly prize draw for a $50 voucher at one of our drop-off locations or a RAP fishing shirt.
This is all part of ‘Fish for life – Building a healthy fishing future’.

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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