Jack caught this big Bream in the Nerang River with Brad Smith Fishing Charters

Wind and rain finally come to an end

Ron with a pair of School Mackerel from the 18 fathom reef off the Seaway
Mark Rodgers with a great eating sized Flathead
Little Max caught his first fish ever on school holidays, a nice Bream

Hi Everyone, hope you’ve all had a great week, it’s fantastic to finally see the wind and rain come to an end. This is great news for everyone enjoying some time off on the Gold and Tweed Coasts during School Holidays. Hopefully you can get out for a fish and make the most of the sunshine. Let’s have a look at what’s been happening.

I was lucky to score some nice weather so we headed out for a fish on Tuesday, Crab Island and Currigee produced a few smaller flathead on Zman soft plastics. The Seaway was holding some bait and schools of fish on the pipeline and the Seaway entrance opposite the North Wall. We scored a few nice bream on TT Switch Blades, got smoked by some bigger fish and even landed a leather jacket. The weed beds around Wavebreak Island fished well for squid on high tide, the 2-2.5″ jig worked well, even the flathead tried to smash the jigs in the clear water.

After all the rain the rivers seem to be holding good bait schools of herring, mullet, silver biddies and garfish. The water is still quite clear in the Broadwater making fishing tough at times, the rivers will be worth a go on the weekend. Try the upper reaches on the Tweed, Nerang, Logan, Pimpama and Coomera. Flathead will be a main target along with bream, whiting, trevally and the odd jewfish might even show up. The dirty water gives the bait fish a bit more shelter, try to target areas where there is a change of water quality or a current line. As the tide runs out fishing the river mouth is a great option as this can be an area where the predators will wait for the bait to be flushed out.

Surf fishing will be a good option now the swell has started to ease, hopefully the schools of tailor will move into gutters from the Tweed Coast up to South Stradbroke Island. Early morning and late afternoon and night is the best time to target tailor, another species worth targeting is jewfish. Big jewfish will enter the gutters as the tide rises chasing the tailor or mullet, using a fresh fillet of either tailor or mullet is a great way to land a prized jewfish.

Brad Smith Fishing Charters reports on the Tweed It has been good to receive some much needed rain to get the rivers, creeks and drains running which are a vital need for the health of our waterways. Good quality bream are making their presence felt and are taking Pontoon 21 crackjack minnows around the shallow sea grassed areas and blades in the deeper holes around the tide changes. Flathead are still the main target species and will continue to improve in both size and numbers over the few months .The rain will also help to encourage jewfish to come on the bite so I will be very focused on locating some of these great fighting fish around the tide changes in the deep holes.

Clint ventured out to the Broadwater once this week with regular guests Scott, Tim and Terry. Tides were a bit slow and the water was clear and calm at high tide, so we had to work hard to find fish. The night tides leading up to new moon have been a lot bigger and this is when the fish could be feeding more actively. Some squid, winter whiting and flathead came on the bite on Ecogear ZX40 blades coated with Sax scent goldprawn.

The rest of the week was dominated by southerly winds which made fishing up Nerang River and the canals a more comfortable option producing some great catches like jacks thumper bream on a Pontoon 21 crackjack 48mm SP DR lure, plus a bunch of flathead and a solid sand w

hiting. Best areas to fish were the Broadbeach waters canals, Benowa, and Carrara. Shallower water to 3m in depth held the most fish.

Hope you all have a good weekend and get out for a fish, if you have any great catches or photos you would like to share, please email us and let us know how you went.

Fisho Tackle and Coomera Houseboat Holidays now have Hire Tinnies follow the link to view http://www.coomerahouseboats.com.au/our-fleet-type/hire-tinnies/
Seabreeze is a great website to access a local forecast http://www.seabreeze.com.au/graphs/

If you have any great catches to report or fishing photos please email them to brett@fishotackle.com.au Good luck with the Fishing. Brett
Fisho Tackle operates with Coomera Houseboat Holidays. We are open 7 days a week offering a great range of Fishing Tackle on the Gold Coast for our local area as well as bait & ice. We have the experience and local knowledge to get you out catching fish in no time. We offer off street parking and also a courtesy jetty for customers arriving by boat. Call 07 5502 6200
Coomera Houseboat Holidays Website www.coomerahouseboats.com.au
Fisho Tackle Website https://fishotackle.business.site
Fisho Tackle Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/FishoTackle/
Coomera Houseboat Holidays Face Book page www.facebook.com/CoomeraHouseboatHolidays

About Fisho Tackle

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