zman trick shotz

Z-Man Trick ShotZ

A NEW release that created plenty of interest at the Australian Fishing Trade Association trade show was the unique profile and action of Z-Man’s 3.5” and 4.2” Trick ShotZ.

A realistic baitfish profile with a heavily ribbed underside for creating water movement and holding scent, the Trick ShotZ feature a unique, heavily textured, spade-shaped tail that creates glides, flicks and a seductive action, even with minimsal movement. Combine this with the buoyancy of Z-Man’s 10X Tough ElaZtech material and this bulkier tail stands up in the face of the fish, creating a strike attractant that is close to the hook point.

The heavily ribbed and textured body adds to the flexibility of the plastic, resulting in a plastic that rigs easily and fishes well with almost any retrieve. The smaller 3.5” Trick ShotZ model will appeal to everything from bream, flathead and bass to inshore snapper, while the larger 4.2” version is sure to become a favourite for snapper, mulloway, barramundi and more.

Available in six colours with a SRP of $10.95 and six (3.5”) or five (4.2”)per pack.

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