Boomerang Tool Zinger Keeps Things Handy

ZINGERS offer a great way to keep tools handy, but sometimes the small zingers aren’t enough and this is where the mid-size Zinger with Carabiner from Boomerang Tool will excel.

It is ideal for keeping fishing tools handy, securing keys and other important items and attaching gear to your boat or kayak.

The lightweight zinc carabiner means it can quickly, easily and securely be attached to almost anything. This zinger is built to survive the elements, featuring a polycarbonate case, 24” heavy-duty Kevlar cord, US-made quality and proven to last over one million pulls.

SRP is $24.95. If you are looking to secure items to you, your vessel or your vehicle, check out the range of Boomerang Tool and T-Reign products at

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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