burnett river weather cools
Mitchell Kling with the 103cm barramundi he caught in the Burnett River recently.

Burnett River turning up the heat as weather cools


With the weather around the Bundaberg area being good for the previous few days, reports of good fish have been coming aboard with coral trout, red emperor and grass sweetlip being just a few of the reef species being caught.  Also, a few Spanish mackerel are around, so get a floating pilchard out the back for any cruising fish coming through.  Before heading out, always check the latest weather forecast as it can change in a heartbeat.


As the weather starts to cool there have been good reports of nice size snapper being caught off the close inshore reefs.  For those smaller boats wanting to get out and about, there have been good reports of pelagic species like tuna and mackerel being caught using metal slugs and Flasha spoons.  If you’re wanting to chase a Spanish mackerel, troll a dead bait like bonito or gar.  If wanting to troll a hard body, use a larger lure like a Halco or Samaki Pacemaker.  Remember, to find the bait, find the fish.


There have been good reports of blue salmon turning up in the river as the weather cools.  Casting soft vibes has mainly been producing the goods with sprat and prawns being the productive bait.  Putting in the time on these fish is a must as they may come on the bite for half an hour to an hour and then move on.  As water temperatures and the weather cools down in the river, the larger bream will move upriver ready to spawn and they will become more prolific and ready to feed on baits like prawns, chook gut, mullet fillets and chicken breast, just to name a few.  For anyone wanting to chase them on lures, a light outfit of a 2kg to 5kg rod with a 2500 size reel with about 6lb braid and 10lb to 15lb leader will do the job.  With so many lures of choice, one of my favourites would be a 3” to 4” curl tail soft plastic, and also small crank lures around the rock bars.  When fishing for flathead in the river as the weather cools, use the same outfit, move out a little wider and fish off the bottom.  This should pick up a good feed of flatties.  Before heading out, put the crab pots in as there are still a few mud crabs about.


For those who don’t mind a bit of fresh water lure fishing, Lake Gregory  (Isis Balancing Storage) is going off! During the winter time, the bass school in the main basin and it’s just a matter of casting over the school with a soft plastic or blade, hopping or low-rolling the lure back to the boat.  This will catch you a few fish.  There have been good reports over the past few weeks with 30 to 40 fish in a session being the norm.


With the travel restrictions lifted over the past couple of weeks, a few mad keen anglers have been heading up to Lake Monduran to hook into a few barra.  Fishing the wind-blown points has been the key to success.  Casting Jackall Squirrel lures when the fish are up higher in the water column, or soft vibe lures and heavier soft plastics rolled and hopped along the bottom has been producing the most fish.


If you’re not already a member of Tackle World Bundaberg’s Real Deals Loyalty Program, sign up for free to hear about upcoming catalogues/specials, earn points, keep a record of all your purchases etc.  Ask a team member next time you’re in, or sign up here:  https://tackleworldbundy.com.au/content/sign-real-deals


The Queensland Government health directions from 15th May 2020 states Queenslanders are permitted to leave their homes (principal place of residence) for recreation within a 150km radius – for day-trips only.  Gatherings of up to 10 people are permitted for outdoor non-contact activity.  A reminder to abide by the social distancing regulations and practise good hygiene.  For further information, visit:  https://www.covid19.qld.gov.au/government-actions/roadmap-to-easing-queenslands-restrictions  which will show Queensland’s Roadmap to the easing of the COVID-19 up until July.  These restrictions may change at short notice if there is an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases.

Keep on casting

Shane Anderson

Tackle World Bundaberg

About Tackle World Bundaberg

22 Quay St, Bundaberg QLD 4670 1800 822 553 or (07) 4153 4747

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