New public moorings to protect Reef from anchor damage

Thirty new public moorings will be installed across the Whitsundays to help protect sensitive coral on the Great Barrier Reef. The new environmentally friendly vessel moorings will be located at key points on the Reef to provide safe and sustainable access to some of the Whitsundays’ most popular snorkelling and anchorage sites. Townsville-based company Pacific Marine Group has been awarded …

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You’re The Skipper, You’re Responsible

Maritime Safety Queensland is focusing on responsibility for safety on the vessel skipper. You’re The Skipper, You’re Responsible is an initiative aimed at encouraging recreational operators to take responsibility for their actions on the water and for skippers to be aware they are ultimately responsible. If the skipper takes the lead, then crew and passengers will follow. You’re The Skipper, You’re …

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Operation Avoca secures biosecurity risk materials


A significant risk to Australia’s biosecurity was prevented by biosecurity officers securing approximately 38 tonnes of risk material, including boxes of turtle meat, frog meat, plant products, avian meat, pig meat, beef meat and raw prawns. Recently, a Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry biosecurity officer noted suspicious boxes of goods at a routine inspection in NSW. The observations led …

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Enjoy fresh and safe NSW seafood this Easter


NSW DPI Fisheries is cracking down on the sale of black-market seafood heading into the Easter holiday period. Fisheries Officers will be conducting regular inspections across NSW to detect, deter and disrupt the black-market trade in seafood products. Buying seafood from established seafood retailers, authorised commercial fishers, fish and shellfish farmers this Easter will ensure the produce has met the …

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Illegal marron fishers busted in the Moore River WA


Last month Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development compliance officers conducted a joint operation with Lancelin Police to apprehend people fishing for marron in the Moore River. The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) said the bust on February 26 came three weeks after the 2023 marron season had closed. A DPIRD spokesman said officers were continuing …

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Do you know what the name jewfish refers to?


Did you know that the name jewfish refers to its large otoliths (ear bones) which are prized as jewels by some fishers? This year saw the inclusion of black jewfish in our biological monitoring program. The aim is to collect age, length, and sex data from areas of high catch for black jewfish in waters off the east coast of …

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NSW White Spot biosecurity control order extended


NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) has extended a biosecurity control order until 14 June 2023 to minimise White Spot risks in the Clarence River estuary. NSW Chief Veterinary Officer, Sarah Britton, said the extended control order supports risk management activities, which underpin the continuation of trade in NSW and other parts of Australia. “Input from industry and key stakeholders is informing …

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Barramundi fingerlings released into Teemburra Dam


Teemburra Dam has been stocked with 37,000 barramundi fingerlings! Significant rain caused the dam to spill over and barramundi tragically fell victim to the spillway. Money from the Stocked Impoundment Permit Scheme (SIPS) has secured Mackay Area Fish Stocking Association Inc. (MAFSA) 16,500 barramundi and Bass, Barra & Barcoo donated another 20,500 fingerlings towards the release.   Queensland Boating and …

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Stocked Impoundment Permit Scheme survey


Did you hold a SIPS permit between 1 March 2022 and 28 February 2023? Help us maintain and improve the world-class fisheries on offer in Queensland’s dams and weirs by completing our SIPS survey! Fisheries Queensland is conducting a short, 6-question survey of SIPS permit holders to help maintain and improve the world-class freshwater fisheries on offer in Queensland. The …

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Better boating Sunshine Coast

Boaties on the Sunshine Coast can rejoice over plans for a major upgrade to a public boat ramp and trailer parking at one of the region’s busiest waterways. A smooth easy-access ramp and 36 car-trailer parks are planned at Outrigger Island, Minyama on the stunning Mooloolah River. The proposed new two-lane boat ramp, floating walkway and car-parking will take pressure …

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