Fishing Articles

Fish aggregating devices (FADs)


Check out this impressive mahi mahi caught by Bo around fish aggregating device (FAD) 1, just off the Gold Coast. Mahi mahi are one of the most common fish found near these devices, along with other pelagic fish such as cobia. They are also one of the fastest growing fish in the sea making them a resilient fish species. The …

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Tips for winter species

The temperature is dropping, so I suppose it’s time to hibernate during the colder weather… what do you reckon? Tips for winter species That’s a big, “Heck no!” Tips for winter species Just because you have to put on an extra layer of clothing doesn’t mean that the Capricorn Coast action can’t be smoking hot.     First of all, …

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How to win fishing battles

The weather is cooling fast and we might get to experience a real winter this year. Win fishing battles Though the weather is still rough, with wind and rain wreaking havoc on tours and my aging body. My friends tell me snapper are starting to move and that in close a few squire are lurking ready to smash you on …

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How to troll for flathead

Hi everyone, can you believe it… June already, wow! Flathead trolling Not that I’m complaining – it is one of my favourite months to fish the Gold Coast estuaries. Flathead trolling Species on offer include squid, flathead, tuskfish, sand whiting, winter whiting, flounder, squire, bream, tarwhine and many more. Flathead trolling This month I’ll focus on some flathead trolling tips. …

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How to lure a mulloway

One of the species high on the bucket list for estuary and surf anglers of temperate Australia is the enigmatic mulloway. Lure a mulloway Success with this species – as it is for many other less common angling targets – is perseverance. Lure a mulloway Sticking to the task, spending as many hours as necessary and studying the fish’s habits …

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Preparing for Gold Coast snapper

I am guessing that like me, many of you will be wondering when this windy and rainy weather will stop. Gold Coast snapper Though it may seem to be a bit of an inconvenience, it is in actual fact creating a wonderful and very strong fish population for winter. Gold Coast snapper These weather cycles do two things in particular. …

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Jigging tips for AJ and kingfish

When it comes to fishing the ‘fight hard and bite even harder’ fish, two species are on the top of the list for many anglers – amberjack and yellowtail kingfish. Jigging tips And we are lucky to have both of these in huge numbers in southeast Queensland! Jigging tips Though there are always good schools of these fish year-round, now …

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Custom-built snapper rod

Catching a trophy fish is always something special but having caught it on a custom-built rod specifically designed for the job is even better. Custom-built rod In this article, I want to share with you the process from start to finish on how – with the help of the team at United Tackle Australia and some input from my experiences …

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Winter flathead fishing tips

It’s winter again! Cold mornings, calm days and lots of fish should be on the cards this month. Flathead fishing tips The floods that hit southeast Queensland earlier this year gave the rivers and creeks a good flush out. This has left them looking very good leading up to winter. Plenty of flathead have been eating lures, especially around the …

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Fishing Moreton Bay in winter

With the cooler months upon us, it’s time to dust off the beanies and jumpers because Moreton Bay can get quite cold early in the morning and evening. Fishing Moreton Bay in winter Fish species go through some changes in the bay during winter, with snapper stocks increasing and larger fish up for grabs. Fishing Moreton Bay in winter Offshore …

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