Fraser Coast

Warmer days bring Tin Can Bay bites

G’DAY crew, I hope everyone had a chance to wet a line over the past few weeks – I know I sure did! I managed to get a few good trips in between work, family life and coming down with bronchitis for a week. Tin Can Bay bites I had a good trip to Hervey Bay with a friend, hunting …

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Hervey Bay action hot despite weather

IT’S September already and hard to believe we’ve been in restrictions for so long. It’s now the new norm and I’ve noticed more and more anglers are visiting Hervey Bay for the fishing action. This is good for the local economy, and we are blessed that Queensland’s rates of infection remain low enough for us to continue business in our …

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Camping closures for Easter 2020 in Queensland

Kedron Moreton Island

Camping Closures – As part of the Queensland Governments response to COVID-19 (coronavirus) and to help keep Queenslanders safe, a decision has been made to close ALL camping areas within Queensland national parks, state forests and recreation areas as of 26 March 2020 applies until 30 June 2020 or unless otherwise advised. Four-wheel drive trails, mountain bike trails, walking tracks …

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Big red emperor on the Fraser Coast

It’s pretty amusing to watch but still somewhat frustrating knowing we are losing quality fish. I moved on and decided to go and check out the rock I had found last year that I mentioned earlier. As I sounded over I was blown away that it had no life on it at all. I was disappointed but as I’ve mentioned …

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