Local Reports

Offshore fishing quite good on Gold Coast

gold coast offshore fishing quite good

Hi Everyone, hope you’ve all had a great week, we’ve had nice conditions for spending time outdoors on the Tweed and Gold Coasts. The warmer weather is firing up the summer species which is great news for anglers.  Let’s have a look at what’s been biting. We’ve found the offshore fishing quite good on the close reefs, with regular contributor …

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Heading out early to beat the winds


With the winds coming up early on most days it was a case of heading out very early if fishing offshore or using one of the many sheltered locations throughout the Noosa River to fish. The few boats that did head out for the first light bite shot to Sunshine so they were not too far from home. The fish …

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The weather has shifted more towards summer


HI Everyone, hope you’ve all had a great week, the weather has shifted more towards a summer pattern with SE and NE sea breezes with the odd storm on the Gold and Tweed Coasts. Getting an early start on the water is the best option to try to beat the wind. Let’s see what’s on the bite this week. As …

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Action-packed weekend around Bundaberg


What an action-packed weekend it was around the Bundaberg region.  We were fortunate to have some fantastic weather and by all reports, plenty of trophy fish were caught. BUNDABERG OFFSHORE Jade from Truansea Charters reported having a couple of excellent days reef fishing last weekend before the weather change that rolled through around lunch time Sunday.  Other anglers also reported …

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Significant rainfall on Friday and Saturday


What a great start to the week with a public holiday! The winds were kind enough to drop out and the swell was low enough to let most with a boat get into the action. Unfortunately the winds picked up from there and we even had some significant rainfall on Friday and Saturday which is going to see a good …

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Good reports of red emperor and coral trout

red emperor

BUNDABERG OFFSHORE The weather around the Bundaberg area is looking good for this weekend for those guys wanting to get offshore. There are good reports of red emperor, coral trout and red throat sweetlip having been caught during the past weeks. For those anglers wanting to get out and have a crack, always check the current forecast before heading out …

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Finally some long overdue rain on the coast


Hi Everyone, hope you’ve all had a great week, it was nice to finally get some long overdue rain over the weekend on the Tweed and Gold Coast. It will take a lot more rain to give the system the flush out required to help with the fishing and crabbing but we are happy to take any rain for now.  …

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Bundaberg area should be firing this weekend!


BUNDABERG INSHORE The inshore reefs around the Bundaberg area should be firing this weekend! There’s been plenty of reports of awesome sized grunter on all the inshore reefs. Using 20g soft vibes, soft plastics and bait will all get good results for you. With a tide change being around 7.00am I think first light will be fishing really well.  Not …

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School holidays fantastic fishing on Sunshine Coast


The last week of the school holidays provided anglers with some fantastic early morning conditions with the local reefs enjoying the NW winds which then swung around to the east making things a bit more bumpy. We did see a few of the bigger boats head wider to the Hards and the Banks, but reports were limited to catches of …

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ABT Casino Outdoor Bass Electric Grand Final


Over the past weekend the ABT Casino Outdoor Bass Electric Grand Final was held on the beautiful Richmond River at Coraki. This system is a tidal waterway that holds many different species but with bass being the target, over 30 Anglers took to the waters over 2 days to get the best 2 fish they could find. It was a …

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