Local Reports

Flathead in great numbers on Gold Coast

great numbers flathead gold coast

As we say goodbye to Winter on the Gold Coast and hello to Spring the week has been pretty nice with our Houseboat customers making the most of the conditions. Friday will be busy on the water for the Gold Coast Show day public holiday with a Sunny day on the way, let’s have a look at what’s been on …

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Transition period in effect around Bundaberg

barra open season 2019

Well it seems we are in that transition period where both summer and winter species are being caught throughout the Bundaberg region. Quite a few mangrove jack and the odd barramundi have fired up in our local rivers in this past week.  As the water temperatures slowly start to rise, this action should also increase over the coming months. I …

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Windy conditions keep offshore anglers close

On the offshore scene, with the weather blowing up early morning for most of the week, those lucky enough to head out fished in close so they could do the run home as soon as the wind started to pick up. Angler headed to Sunshine Reef and were treated to a mixed bag of reef fish including pan sized snapper …

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Mixed bag of weather and fish on Gold Coast

We’ve had a mixed bag of weather this week on the Gold Coast with big swells and tides early in the week then the odd storm followed by strong Southerly winds to finish off the week. Let’s see how our customers went trying their luck. Our Houseboat customers have been catching a few nice Bream, Jumpinpin has been fishing well …

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All areas fishing well around Bundaberg

It’s looking like there will be a bit of a blow coming through the Bundaberg and offshore areas over the weekend, with 15-20 knots forecast, so it’s looking like the offshore fishing will get a bit of a rest. If you were fortunate enough to get out earlier in the week during the good weather, you would have been well …

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Noosa River has plenty to offer anglers

With the new moon just around the corner, the bite offshore has been quieter, however reports have still featured Snapper around the 4-6kg range as well as some cracking Pearl Perch out wide around the Hards and the Barwon Banks. Along with the snapper and pearlies we have seen some nice jew and cobia also coming over the side. For …

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Diverse areas to fish on Gold Coast

It had to happen eventually after such an awesome run of weather on the Gold Coast the wind has moved in to spoil the party. Lucky we have such a diverse area to explore there is always somewhere to hide out of the wind and catch a feed. Customers have been scoring a few Jewfish around Jumpinpin this week.  Live …

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Magic fishing conditions around Bundaberg

Last weekend it was awesome to see so many bigger boats out on the water making the most of the magic weather conditions around the Bundaberg area. With the calm conditions, a lot of guys decided to run a little further out around the Warregoes and the islands, and by all reports most boats managed to bring home a good …

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Great window to head offshore Sunshine Coast

Great weather windows for anglers to head offshore on the Sunshine Coast and chase quality reef species! With the great run of weather still staying with us, lots of boaties have managed to get offshore and get stuck into a wide range of quality reef species including snapper, pearl perch, venus tusk fish and mulloway. From Sunshine reef, North reef, …

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Cracker weekend ahead at Bundaberg

With the weekend fast approaching, it’s looking like it’s going to be a cracker, with almost calm conditions forecast for the Bundaberg area.  If this weather holds, it’s going to give the big boats another chance to head out wide. The fishing out there has been great, with a lot of big pearl perch, jobfish and snapper being caught out …

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