Artefacts found at Rooneys Bridge – Townsville

Rooneys Bridge

Artefacts found at Rooneys Bridge were uncovered recently while TMR were upgrading the bridge in Railway Estate, Townsville! Rooneys Bridge is a crucial link between Townsville’s central business district and southern suburbs. It was built back to 1953—but we weren’t expecting to uncover a historic find like this one! Artefacts found were steam engines that used to power the cranes …

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Murray cod fishos apprehended with illegal catch

Fisheries Officers in the state’s west have been busy protecting Murray Cod as their annual breeding season approaches. Four men and one woman have been apprehended at Euston on the Murray River for offences relating to being in possession of Murray Cod greater than the 75cm upper limit. One of the fish was found to be hidden under the flooring …

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NSW habitat action grants now open!


The Habitat Action Grants are now open! This is your opportunity to get involved in on-ground actions that will protect and improve fish habitat. The Habitat Action Grants are funded from the Recreational Fishing Trusts which direct revenue generated by the NSW Recreational Fishing Fee towards on-ground actions to improve fish habitat and recreational fishing in NSW. When fishing in …

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Black jewfish no-take species

black jewfish

Black jewfish are vulnerable to overfishing and the Queensland Government has special rules in place to protect stock levels, including closing the fishery once the annual catch limit has been reached. The east coast black jewfish fishery is now closed to commercial and recreational fishing for the remainder of 2022. The fishery will reopen in early 2023. Strong penalties will …

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Consistent catches from the Clarence


FISHING along the Clarence Coast of northern NSW has improved markedly over the past month, due mainly to the absence of any substantial rain – something I was wondering if I was ever going to be able to say, given the previous six months. From the mighty Clarence River excellent catches of bream are being taken far and wide throughout …

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Know the rules in Sydney Harbour

Planning on fishing and collecting within Sydney Harbour? – make sure you know the rules first! NSW Fisheries Officers recently apprehended a man collecting and line fishing from a rock platform within Sydney Harbour. Upon inspection the man was found to be in possession of 17 molluscs and 1 Cunjevoi collected within Sydney Harbour. He was also line fishing using …

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Help protect the Bielsdown River

Bielsdown River

We need your help to protect the beautiful Bielsdown River. The beautiful Bielsdown River at delightful Dorrigo, up in the picturesque plateau country of Northern NSW is a top little waterway. The Bielsdown is part of the Nymboida River catchment. It’s a declared General Trout Stream and it provides refuge to many a Platypus and native Water-rats. This River is …

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Cast nets illegal in NSW

cast nets

In early June the Tweed Heads Fisheries office received a direct call from a concerned member of the public reporting the illegal use of a cast net on the Tweed River at Tweed Heads. Fisheries Officers promptly responded to the information and caught up with the person who had used the cast net to take 230 Herring and 4 Diamond …

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Illegal fishing at Cape Byron

NSW Fisheries officers are pleading with fishos to do the right thing at the Cape Byron MP Bream Hole. Every year officers at Cape Byron Marine Park (CBMP) receive numerous reports of alleged illegal fishing activity taking place within the small area that is declared ‘Sanctuary Zone’ at Lennox Head – also known as the Bream Hole. The CBMP is …

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New dusky flathead and lobster rules

NSW introduces new dusky flathead and lobster recreational fishing rules – effective 1 August 2022. From 1 August 2022 there are new recreational fishing rules for dusky flathead and lobster in NSW. This follows a comprehensive community consultation process which showed strong community support for the proposed changes. The new changes for recreational fishers (line fishers and spear fishers) are: …

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