coomera houseboats spanish mackerel

Coomera Houseboats crew pick up spanish mackerel

As another week comes to an end and we head into the Australia Day Long Weekend all our Houseboats are heading out to have some fun. Let’s have a look at what’s been biting on the Gold Coast.

Coomera Houseboats staff member Adrian and his son Adam headed out offshore for a look and came up trumps scoring a nice Spanish Mackerel trolling a diving lure around the 24 fathom reefs off the Gold Coast, well done crew. With plenty of boats out looking during the week as the swell eased Mermaid, Palm Beach and the Gravel Patch have all been producing a few fish, hopefully we will see better numbers of Spotties and Spanish as we head closer to February. Crowds can get pretty thick when chasing a Mackerel, try to find the bait, look for birds and anchor up on any good shows on the sounder. Keep a steady burly trail going when bait fishing and also keep working a metal slug to draw fish closer to your baits. When the Spanish are on, Trolling Live Baits or lures are both great options that will work well.

A few early season Prawns have started to show up around Russell Island, Logan River, Cabbage Tree Point and Jacobs Well, it’s worth getting out and having a look. A top pocket cat nets is a must and we do have a few in stock ready to go. If your new to chasing a prawn just keep an eye out for other boats casting nets, just remember your manners as it can get a bit hectic at times especially if your new to prawning. Make sure you’re informed about the current rules about White Spot Disease

Coomera Houseboats customers have reported nice Whiting have been taking Yabbies and Worms around Wave Break Island, Crab Island, Paradise Point, Tipplers Passage, the Coomera River North & South Arms, Tiger Mullet Channel, Jacobs Well, Mouth of Cobby Passage, The Logan River and The Bedrooms.

Customers have also been finding a feed of both Mud and Sand Crabs around the Jumpinpin and Broadwater this week. If we get a bit of rain it will certainly help flush out a few more quality Mud Crabs. Mullet have been good bait, I do recommend to use a bait bag and clip to stop all the little fish and eels picking away at your bait, it certainly increases you change of catching a feed.

Hope you all have a good weekend and get out for a fish, if you have any reports please let us know how you went.

Coomera Houseboats/Coomera Bait & Tackle now have Hire Tinnies follow the link to view

Seabreeze is a great website to access a local forecast

At the time of writing my report we will see light to moderate S/SE winds Friday before increasing to Moderate on Saturday then a bit stronger S/SE predicted for Sunday. Just make sure you have the most up to date weather forecast before heading out on the water. Over the Australia Day Long Weekend will see a lot extra traffic on the local boat ramps and waterways, just remember to take your time and bring your patience and you will have a good day.

If you have any great catches to report or fishing photos please email them to    Good luck with the Fishing.  Brett

Coomera Bait & Tackle operates with Coomera Houseboat Holidays. We are open 7 days a week offering a great range of Fishing Tackle Gold Coast for our local area as well as bait & ice. We have the experience and local knowledge to get you out catching fish in no time. We offer off street parking and also a courtesy jetty for customers arriving by boat. Call 07 5502 6200

Coomera Houseboat Holidays Website

Coomera Bait & Tackle Website

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About Coomera Houseboat Holidays

84 Shipper Drive Coomera QLD 4209 P: 07 5502 6200

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