Photo: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

Crab Bust – Fisher Fined $6000

A RECREATIONAL fisher has been fined $6000 in the Beenleigh Magistrates Court for female and undersized mud crab catches.

Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol district manager Rob McDonald said the man, his partner and two adult sons were intercepted at night by Gold Coast officers after returning to the Alberton Rd boat ramp. “QBFP officers were conducting a targeted patrol along Logan River and approached the vessel to conduct an inspection,” Mr McDonald said.

“Our officers boarded the boat and found the fisher in possession of 21 female mud crabs and five undersized male mud crabs. “The fisher initially denied having crabs on board, however a search of the vessel located the crabs underneath a stack of collapsible crab pots. “Female mud crabs have been a protected species in Queensland for over 100 years, so there’s no excuse for not knowing the rules.

“We seized the entire catch and returned all crabs alive back to the Logan River.” Mr McDonald said people should be aware of all crabbing rules including size and possession limits before hitting the water.



“In Queensland, it is illegal to take female mud crabs; and male mud crabs have a minimum size limit of 15cm across the carapace, with a possession limit of 10,” he said. “The fine issued is significant and demonstrates the seriousness of the offences, which pose a threat to the local mud
crab breeding population.”
Mr McDonald said the Logan River was an important recreational fishing area and QBFP would continue to monitor the area at all times of the day and night. “QBFP relies on the ongoing support of the community to provide relevant and timely information relating to potential offences concerning our valuable fishery resources,” he said.

“If anyone suspects illegal fishing, please report it to the Fishwatch hotline on 1800 017 116 so it can be investigated.”

For more information on Queensland fishing rules, visit, call 13 25 23 or download the free Qld Fishing app from Apple and Google app stores.

You can follow Fisheries Queensland on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (@FisheriesQld).

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