Fisheries technician, Shannon, collecting length, sex and abundance information at sea.

DAF stocking groups message

As you may be aware both the stocked impoundment permit and freshwater working groups occurred in mid-May, with a number of discussion topics. Fisheries Queensland

Communiques will have been released for your information.

Fisheries Queensland is also on the lookout for opportunities to promote fishing and stocking around Queensland.

You may have noticed more of our articles appearing in fishing publications over the past few months.

So, if you have any good stories, let us know. Fisheries Queensland

We are also after good quality photos of our impoundments for use in a variety of media to help promote the SIPS scheme and stocking in general, so if you have a shutter bug in your group, pass this on.

We will generally need images in a large file size of about 3-5mb and will need the express permission of the image owner.

We can use images of people as long as they are unrecognisable.

Contact Christelle or myself if you are interested in providing photos.

Finally, as we come to the end of the financial year, I thank all the stocking groups that have provided us with their stocking records.

Any outstanding reports can be sent to

Thomas Hart
Fisheries Qld


Fisheries Queensland


DAF creates value for Queensland by connecting industries, the community and government to grow the economy and safeguard the natural environment. These activities ensure Queensland is a world-leader in providing high-quality, safe and sustainably produced food and fibre.

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