kids activity fishing dpi nsw

Fantastic kids activity page on DPI website

THE NSW Department of Primary Industries website has recently been updated to include a fantastic page dedicated to providing junior anglers with a stack of interesting info and kids activities!

If your children are stuck at home due to COVID-19 restrictions, this innovative resource presents an excellent opportunity to not only keep them entertained with many a great kids activity, but also to educate them about fishing.

The “Free Kids Resources” page includes downloadable activity sheets to help kids learn more about fish and fishy environments. Activity topics include being Shark Smart, knowing the fishing and boating rules, information about catch and release, looking after our native fish and many more.

Check out for all the details.

The resources form part of NSW DPI’s Get Hooked … It’s Fun To Fish schools program, which is one of many programs run using funds from the Recreational Fishing Trusts. The program:

  • provides students with the basic skills necessary for recreational fishing with the view that it will become a lifelong interest
  • introduces students to the concept of sustaining quality aquatic habitats by practicing safe and responsible fishing
  • allows all NSW primary schools equitable access to the program.

Get Hooked… it’s Fun to Fish is made up of six teaching modules which form a Junior Fishing Code and are derived from the National Code principles. The Junior Fishing Codes have been aligned to the Australian Curriculum and meet syllabus outcomes across all Key Learning Areas.

The Six Codes

Code 1: ‘Take only what you need’ – The importance of the food chain and how taking too many of one species of fish may affect the entire chain, so only take enough for your own.

Code 2: ‘Fish with friends’ – Safety near waterways, awareness of safe fishing conditions and also the importance of always having a responsible fishing friend to go fishing with you.

Code 3: ‘You’re the solution to water pollution’ – How to identify and reduce the impact their actions may have on waterways, in particular the impact litter can have on aquatic species.

Code 4: ‘Put the little ones back’ – Students investigate the rules and regulations that relate to the size of fish you are allowed to catch and why we need to keep certain species and sizes of fish for the future.

Code 5: ‘Don’t leave your tackle behind’ – Students develop an understanding of the ways they can reduce the risk to aquatic species by ensuring they are responsible and careful fishers with a respect to the environment they are fishing in.

Code 6: ‘Quality catchments equal quality fish’ – Students investigate the complex nature of a catchment and develop an understanding of the impacts of human activity in one waterway and how it can impact the entire catchment.

Find out more about the Get Hooked program at

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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