Fish ’n’ SIPS winner with the 1m barramundi caught on Tinaroo Dam.

Fish ’n’ SIPS prized possession

Fish ’n’ SIPS tagged fishing competition

Tinaroo Dam has been a hotspot for anglers looking to land some cash. Patience paid off for Atherton local, Ty, who scored a $10,000 bonus after going fishing with a friend.

Ty reeled in a 1m tagged barramundi after being tied off for an hour, claiming the second prize in the Fish ’n’ SIPS tagged fishing competition run by the Freshwater Fishing & Stocking Association Queensland

Fishers can still land a share of the remaining $20,000 on offer with tagged fish available in five of our stocked impoundments in central and northern Queensland. Purchase your SIP and plan your trip

The five stock impoundments include:

“Of course, fishers need a Stocked Impoundment Permit Scheme (SIPS) permit to fish those impoundments and I encourage recreational fishers without a SIPS permit to buy one before trying their luck for a cashed-up catch.”

SIPS permits are available for purchase online, through the QLD Fishing 2.0 smartphone app, at 585 Australia Post outlets throughout Queensland and northern New South Wales or by phoning 1300 575 359.

Revenue from SIPS permits supports volunteer groups to stock impoundments with native fish species including golden perch, Australian bass, and barramundi specifically for recreational fishing.

The competition opens 14 December 2022 and ends on 31 October 2023, or until all 15 prizes have been claimed.

Visit to find the nearest stocked waterway and buy a permit, or call 13 25 23 for more information.

For more information visit:

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