Purchase a SIPS permit and fish in 5 of our stocked impoundments and be in the running to win up to $50,000 in the Fish ‘n SIPS tagged fish competition.
The competition opens 14 December 2022 and ends on 31 October 2023, or until all 15 prizes have been claimed.
Competition locations
To be in the running, you need to purchase a SIPS permit and fish for the tagged fish at these Queensland stocked impoundments:
The fish must be line caught; however, the fisher may use a landing net in combination with the line fishing to bring the fish onshore.
Claiming a prize
The first 15 tagged fish caught and accurately reported to InfoFish will win a prize.
Report your tagged fish catch by calling 1800 077 001. Reporting your catch to InfoFish is critical; only the first 15 caught, reported, and confirmed catches will be eligible.
Once reporting to InfoFish you will be asked to email InfoFish with some photos of your catch.
- Do not clean, gut, or scale the fish to take photographs.
- Leave the InfoFish tag in place when taking the photographs

You must take:
- a photo of yourself with the fish
- several photos that clearly show the InfoFish tag attached to the fish
- a close-up photo of the InfoFish tag to verify the tag number
- a photo of the fish against a ruler to clearly display its length and ensure the InfoFish tag is visible on the fish.
After gathering all the required photo evidence, you need to remove the InfoFish tag and post it to InfoFish , for final verification.
After taking the necessary verification photos and removing the InfoFish tag, you can keep or release thev fish.
For more information visit: daf.qld.gov.au