Fish Species Guide

Having a ball on Lake Borumba

fishing lake borumba untapped fishing

I’VE had one hell of a month fishing Lake Borumba with multiple clients. At this time of year we experience some of the best fishing you can experience at the lake. The bass move into the deep water to school, just as they would in saltwater estuaries. But because they can’t get to salt water, all they do is school …

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Bias Boating’s new owners steering to online success

bias boating

WITH new owners at the helm, online chandlery Bias Boating has been restructured, revitalised and is now back in operation as a marine products superstore. And it is doing so with the addition of ‘real people’ available at the end of a telephone line to assist with any queries about the products and how to use them properly. It has …

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Suzuki Marine at the Brisbane Boat Show

suzuki marine brisbane boat show 2019

THIS year, Suzuki Marine is returning with a show-stopping corporate stand offering all the latest outboards, tech, gadgets, parts and accessories to really take your boating to the next level! With exclusive ‘Suzuki on Sale’ offers for Boat Show patrons, you’ll be sure to find the perfect outboard for you, whether you’re looking to upgrade or getting on the water …

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Brisbane threadfin and jewfish captures continue

brisbane threadfin salmon

THIS month will see winter coming to end. Towards the end of the month the weather generally starts to warm and we might even receive a couple of afternoon northerly breezes. In years past I’ve had good success on mangrove jack in late-August. Most anglers believe it’s too early for mangrove jack to be getting active, but if you’re willing …

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New generation of fisheries patrol officers inducted

fisheries patrol officers

THE longest-serving Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol Officers have welcomed a new generation of recruits to Parliament House on their induction day. The fisheries compliance officers are part of a new intake under the Queensland Government’s $20 million Sustainable Fisheries Strategy 2017-2020. Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries Mark Furner said the inductees included three Indigenous officers and an …

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Prawn farmers breathe easier after negative white spot disease tests

fine raw prawns surveillance results white spot qld wa import restrictions prawns prawn farmers

THE latest round of surveillance tests conducted by Biosecurity Queensland show no signs of white spot disease in southeast Queensland waters, more than two-and-a-half years after the virus devastated the big prawn farms on the Logan River. It’s a big relief for the prawn farmers whose stocks were destroyed after white spot disease was first discovered two-and-a-half years ago, and …

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Tailor and jewies to improve on Sunshine Coast beaches

tailor and jewies sunshine coast

With Sunday and Monday blowing 30 knots or more it came as a welcome surprise to see glassed out conditions on Tuesday and much of the week. In the lead up to the Full moon the fish were certainly chewing hard with some outstanding captures in the river. Offshore we saw a solid mixed bag of species and a few …

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Cracker weekend on the way for Bundaberg fishos

cracker weekend bundaberg

BUNDABERG OFFSHORE Around the Bundaberg area, it looks like we are in for a cracker weekend of weather!  With the smaller tides the deep should be fishing awesome all day.  Using big flesh baits on Elkat ganged hooks should stir up the big reds.  Remember to stay patient through all the smaller hussar bites and wait for that big red …

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Smaller flathead sitting on sand around Gold Coast

smaller flathead gold coast

Hi Everyone, hope you’ve all had a great week, how good has the weather been on the Tweed and Gold Coasts with cooler starts turning into nice warm sunny days and light winds perfect for going fishing. Let’s see what has been happening this week. Last Saturday I headed up around Jumpinpin with the kids to have a look around …

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New Zerek Fish Trap colours

fish trap

ANGLERS who love the Zerek Fish Trap will be excited to hear seven new colours have arrived! The new colours have been developed with the assistance of gun anglers across Australia and with the help of tackle stores. Needless to say, Zerek has delivered an exceptional new range. Within the range are the following colours: BF – Blended Frog; GC …

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