going bush easter bass funding nsw rivers bass
A great wild Australian bass hooked in brackish water on a Chasebaits 3” curly tail. Photo: Joel Johnson

Funding available to help restock NSW rivers

THE NSW Government is calling on anglers, community groups, councils and others to apply for funding under the Dollar for Dollar Native Fish Stocking program, with applications now open.

NSW Department of Primary Industries Senior Fisheries Manager, Cameron Westaway said the Dollar for Dollar funding program complements the NSW Government’s native fish stocking recovery plan, by increasing fish stocking activities. “This program is an investment in the future of our recreational fisheries,” Mr Westaway said. “Fish stocking activities play an important role in our communities, providing greater recreational fishing opportunities in the region, as well as a number of cultural, environmental, social and economic benefits.

“Under the 2020/2021 program, the NSW Government will match funding between $1,000 and $6,000 for fish stocking activities involving high priority recreational fishing species including Australian Bass, Golden Perch and Murray Cod. In support of this, applicants can also apply for a fuel card grant, to provide assistance for transporting fish from hatcheries.”

Mr Westaway said the program is great example of NSW fishing licence fees at work, with funding provided from the Recreational Fishing Trust.

“The Dollar for Dollar Native Fish Stocking program allows for hundreds of thousands of fish to be stocked into various NSW waterways each season, through the support of locals who know their area best. Of course, it is important that all fish stocking is conducted responsibly in order to protect biodiversity and the aquatic environment and releasing fish into NSW public waters without a permit is illegal,” Mr Westaway said.

Applications can be made via the online form, and close on Friday 26 June 2020. For more information visit the NSW DPI website, www.dpi.nsw.gov.au

For more NSW DPI Fisheries news, click here!

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