Tim Farnell landed a 94cm 7.4kg monster in Western Australia on an Assassin Rod and GT Ice Cream Skinny lure.

Gold Coast Tailor Fishing Classic 2023

The annual Tailor Fishing Classic is just around the corner and we’re gearing up to make it the biggest and best yet!

Kick-off is at 4pm on Friday 21 July, with lines out in time to make weigh-in from 10am to 12pm on Sunday July 23.

Entrants are able to fish from the Queensland NSW border to the tip of North Stradbroke Island.

And though boats can be used to transfer between the islands within the fishing boundaries, all fishing is to be land-based, and entrants can bring a maximum of three fish to the weigh-in.

If you’re thinking about entering in this year’s Tailor Fishing Classic, entry forms are available in-store and are $30 per person.

But be sure to get in quick if you’re keen because we’ve capped the number of entries available for 2023.

The weigh-in day will be an event for everyone, with a barbecue, fish-filleting demonstration and fish smoking ‘how-to’ on the day.

So far, we’ve already had a lot of interest in groups looking at heading to North Stradbroke for the Friday and Saturday nights.

A nice feed of tailor caught by the author late last season using Gary Howard Greenback and Storm Adventure Xtreme rods – both matched with Penn reels.


If you’re thinking of doing this, make sure you book one of the first two barges back on Sunday to make it back to weigh-in on time.

South Stradbroke gets its fair share of action as well, with South Currigee, North Currigee and Tipplers campgrounds filling up quickly.

If you’re not heading away and planning to fish the mainland, the world’s your oyster.

With so many gutters starting to take shape from Sea World and further south – I would start fishing now.

Hopefully we’re lucky on the weekend of the classic and have a bit of westerly wind with an incoming tide for both nights.

Given those prime conditions, there should be some good fish caught this year.

For more information on the Tailor Fishing Classic, contact Paul Anderson at The Bait Shop Gold Coast on 0406 737 773.

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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