Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan review
The Australian and Queensland governments are reviewing the Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan, also known as the Reef 2050 Plan. This plan is Australia’s long-term strategy to protect and manage the Great Barrier Reef.
The plan sets clear actions, management goals, objectives and outcomes. These drive and guide the short, medium and long-term management of the reef.
The review and drafting of the updated Plan is being conducted by: Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority,
Queensland Government and Office of the Great Barrier Reef. Sustainability Plan
Scope of the review
The 2020 Review is the plan’s first 5-yearly review. We would like to hear your thoughts on the:
outcomes, objectives and management goals of the plan
priority work areas
strategic actions that deliver outcomes for the Reef.
We are seeking your views on the updated Reef 2050 Plan to ensure it contains the right priorities and actions to support the health and resilience of the Great Barrier Reef.
Share your feedback
You can now provide feedback. Your input will help us update the plan.
To have your say:
read the Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan Public Consultation Draft
read the Reef 2050 Objectives and Management Goals
read the fact sheet
take our survey now
Submit your feedback by 11.59pm AEST Wednesday 30 September 2020.
This plan will ensure it continues focus on the priorities and actions to support Reef health and resilience.
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You guys do realise that this Plan proposes stricter restrictions and regulations around recreational fishing in all waters and water catchment areas right?
Hi Trish, Thanks for your feedback. The plan covers multiple things, which were open for comment.I am aware of the proposed restrictions, hence why we ran the article and encouraged comments. Regards, Ben