Nautilus Insurance

It’s all good fun until it’s not

YouTube is peppered with videos of Americans having fun in their boats. And some of the boats are truly spectacular – banks of outboards on the back, perhaps 1-2000hp behind $1-2 million worth of boat. The only thing small on them are the swimsuits. Nautilus

At the other extreme, there are the compact runabouts and every other vessel in between. But as you watch them entering and exiting waterway bars at places such as Haulover and Boca inlets in Florida, you’ll also see sights that defy belief.

With not one life jacket in sight – ever – folks seem to be trying their hardest to turn a delightful day on the water in to a visit to Davy Jones’ locker. Water gushing over the foredecks of centre consoles and bow riders as the poorly credentialed skippers charge at speed headlong into sharp and dangerous pressure waves on an outgoing tide. You’ll see them jump the first wave only to land nose first into the leading trough of the next.  And people being flung about as if they were in a washing machine – it’s chilling viewing. You’ll even see some folks thinking it’s fun to steer a party pontoon boat into the foam.

Boat after boat… the maniac parade continues. Nautilus

There’s a major lesson in it for all Australian boaties and that is, your marine insurance is there to give you peace of mind while you have a sensational day on the water.

Nautilus Marine will do the worrying – you create the magical memories with your family and friends.

Unlike what you might think when watching those horrifying YouTube videos, an insurance policy is not a free ticket to behave recklessly, foolishly or dangerously. It’s there for protection against misfortune and mishaps.

It’s not a deal that lets you virtually welcome the opportunity to create an artificial reef while someone else picks up the tab.

In fact, if you check your insurance policy, you will most probably find exactly that, spelt out in one form or another, in paragraphs relating to appropriate use of the vessel and compliance with regulatory processes.

Bar crossings at Haulover and Boca are filmed regularly – in fact, there are weekly and monthly updates.

So, when things go pear-shaped, there’s a reasonably good chance that someone is going to have video footage of it.

Likewise, here in Australia – there always seems to be someone taking video footage of what’s happening, whether directly or indirectly by people doing the almost-obligatory ‘selfie’ shot. Act like a clown and, like any circus performance, someone will probably get a photograph or video of it. Though there’s a big difference between the safety net of a good marine insurer and a safety net used by circus acrobats. One is there so you have back-up for the unexpected, the other is there for back-up when thrill-chasing entertainers push the envelope too far.

Any ridiculous action stands a fair chance of being recorded in Australia.  And if it’s a particularly frightening shot, it might even make the newspaper or nightly television news along with a host of social media outlets.

Bottom line, any claim of a ‘rogue wave’ – when someone has been behaving totally irresponsibly for the past 20 minutes – is not going to cut it if that footage lands in the hands of a marine insurer.

What is and what may not be covered in terms of marine incidents will be decided in accord with the terms of insurance as defined in your insurance policy’s Product Disclosure Statement. Similarly, any special conditions and excesses should always be explained clearly in your insurance policy’s PDS.

If you need further information, you can contact Nautilus Marine Insurance on 1300 780 533 for any boat insurance requirements. Nautilus

Advice in this article is general and might not apply or be right for you. Before acting on it, consider its appropriateness having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. Nautilus Marine Insurance is a business name of NM Insurance Pty Ltd ABN 34 100 633 038 AFSL 227 186 (NM Insurance), the issuer of Nautilus Marine Boat Insurance. Consider the Product Disclosure Statement at before deciding whether to purchase a policy.

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