
Making waves on World Oceans Day

WORLD Oceans Day will be making a splash around the globe today—and in Australia it’s a great opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the crucial role that sustainable oceans play in our health, wealth and way of life.

Assistant Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources Anne Ruston said this year’s World Oceans Day theme—‘Our oceans, our future’—highlighted the importance of sustainable management of the ocean’s resources, including fish stocks.

“Well-managed oceans are essential to the long-term future of our fisheries industries, which not only provide us with nutritious food, but also make an important contribution to our economy and communities,” Minister Ruston said. “In Australia, our fisheries and aquaculture industries are worth about $3 billion and provide direct employment for more than 14,000 people. Choosing sustainably sourced seafood is one simple way to contribute to the long-term health of our oceans—and fortunately in Australia our fisheries are among the best and most sustainably managed in the world.”

“For three consecutive years now, ABARES has found that no solely Commonwealth-managed fishery has been subject to overfishing, and over the past 11 years, we’ve seen an increasing number of fish stocks with sustainable classification. These are great results, but we are not resting on our laurels. We are currently developing a national plan of action to minimise the incidental catch of seabirds, as well as revising our key harvest strategy and by-catch policies to ensure our approach to fisheries management remains at the forefront of international best practice.”

“We will also continue to work with our international partners to support healthy sustainable oceans and fisheries for the benefit of communities at home and around the world.”

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