Mesh nets seized on the Clarence River.

Mesh nets seized on the Clarence River

Clarence Fisheries Officers would like to thank the member of the public who reported observing a mesh net in a small tributary of the Clarence River.

Officers attended the location and observed the net partially in the water with a bass present that had recently become entangled and died.

Officers seized two nets from the water and adjacent river bank. Mesh nets can only be used by commercial fishers who are subject to specific rules to ensure sustainable fisheries into the future.


Mesh net


You are not permitted to:

  • Take or attempt to take any species in waters closed to fishing.
  • Possess excess fishing gear in, on or adjacent to waters.
  • Take threatened or protected species.
  • Keep prohibited size fish – prohibited size fish should be immediately returned unharmed to the water.
  • Be in possession of fish in excess of their bag limit, including transporting and storage of such fish. An exception is if the fish have been purchased from a registered fish receiver e.g. a fish shop.
  • Use any methods (e.g line fishing, traps, nets, bait collection) in closed areas
  • Sell recreational catch.

Line fishing – you are not permitted to:

  • Set line, drop line, or jag (foul hooking)
  • Use handlines in notified trout waters (rods and lines only permitted)
  • Use, carry or possess rigged lines in excess of the maximum number of attended lines permitted is an offence and heavy penalties may apply. Spare lines should not be rigged e.g. should not have hooks or lures attached, and should be properly stowed.
  • Leave hand held lines unattended unless within 50 metres and in line of sight. Mesh

Anyone observing suspected illegal activity should call the DPI Fishers Watch service on 1800 043 536 or report it online.

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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