More snapper in the bay!

Snapper on the chew in the bay. Finally, we are seeing more size to the snapper in the bay! Over the past few weeks we have had many reports of plagues of small squire been caught  throughout the bay. But after last weeks rain and a cold front hitting the bay, we are finally getting some decent sized fish out of the bay.

These fish were caught in the northern bay using green prawns purchased in store. Light weights and lines brought these fish undone without too much effort. The key was fishing the tides, this was around 2PM and when most people were heading home. This time of year, the fish will only have a couple of good bite times where the big fish will drop their guard and feed. Where there is big there are also small, work your way through these small fish and you will prevail.

Use decent baits, live or fresh dead baits are bringing most of the 70cm plus fish undone. Areas such as mud island, green island and peel artificial are the most common reports in our area for better size fish. We will get lucky over the next couple of weeks with a few good weather windows so make sure you get the chance to have a go at these bigger fish!
On other reports there are still many maceral and bonito been caught through-out the bay area. Fresh yellow tail pike trolled or floated get these fish going. Remember to burly your area if you are float lining to bring the fish to you

About Wellington Point Marine

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