Search Results for: Jumpinpin Bar

The fresh flush has set up fishing for autumn

Fresh flush fishing autumn

WELL I was talking about rain and pretty much every creek and river from Hervey Bay to the NSW border was running after the fresh flush in March. It’s great news because the fresh flush was much needed to improve fishing, and the majority of dams have seen good increases or are overflowing. In the short term, fishing options will …

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What’s on the menu for the Easter long weekend?

on the menu easter fishing

Hi Everyone, hope you’ve all had a good week, it’s great to see the majority of people doing the right thing and following the new fishing rules of only going boating to catch a feed. With Easter Holidays upon us lets have a look at what’s on the menu for Good Friday and Easter Long Weekend on the Tweed and …

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Mud crabs a good target on Gold Coast

mud crabs good target gold coast

Hi Everyone, hope you’ve all had a great week, the Sunshine has been a sight for sore eyes on the Gold and Tweed Coasts after the massive dumping of rain we copped last week. Hundreds of millimetres of rain wreaked havoc throughout the Tweed and Gold Coast rivers and waterways with massive amount of fresh water and debris scattered everywhere. …

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Heavy falls and massive tides make it tough on Gold Coast

heavy falls and massive tides gold coast

Hi Everyone, hope you’ve all had a great week, the wet weather has continued once again seeing a massive amount of rainfall on the Tweed and Gold Coast. Conditions have been average to spend time outdoors, those keen enough to brave the rain have managed to find a feed. Good news the weekend is looking much better for heading out …

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Strong winds can make for difficult fishing


Hi Everyone, hope you’ve all had a great week, hiding out of the strong winds has been difficult making fishing pretty hard going on the Gold and Tweed Coasts lately.  Good news as we head into the weekend with some great weather conditions on the way. Let’s see what’s been happening this week. Tailor have been dominating the catches around …

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Goodbye to winter and hello to springtime


HI Everyone, hope you’ve all had a great week, as we say goodbye to winter and hello to springtime, the weather has certainly heated up on the Gold and Tweed Coasts.  Fisheries Queensland has made some major changes to the rules as of September 1, 2019. Please see the link in the report to make sure you’re up to date …

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Gold Coast fish happy to hunt in the cool

fish hunt cool gold coast

WE are just past the halfway point of yet another fast-paced year. This month will see a good result for those targeting most southern species both offshore and inshore. Offshore we have heard good reports of jewfish and cobia on the hunt for anglers fishing the closer reefs leading into the night with live baits. Hopefully this continues. Whales are …

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Say goodbye to autumn and welcome winter

winter gold coast

Hello Everyone, I hope you’ve all had a great week and had the chance to get out any enjoy the fantastic weather we are having on the Gold and Tweed Coasts.  The conditions have been typical of May weather with the overnight temperatures starting to drop and the day time sitting between the mid and low twenties.  We will have …

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Quality jewfish and cod on Gold Coast

Hi Everyone, hope you’ve all had a great week and managed to get out for a fish over the weekend and make the most of the nice weather conditions last Sunday. Friday and Saturday are looking like the pick of the days to wet a line this week before the wind returns on Sunday. Let’s have a look at what’s …

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Change of season kicks in on Gold Coast

change of season

Hi Everyone, hope you’ve all had a great week, the beginning of April has seen a big drop in the day and night time temperatures signalling a change of season is upon us. More welcome rain has stirred up some quality fish on the Gold Coast. As School Holidays are about to kick off let’s have a look at some …

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