quintrex apex hull

Quintrex releases Apex Hull

AFTER years of research, Quintrex has released the Apex Hull design, which is set to revolutionise the boating industry.

From humble beginnings in 1945, Quintrex has remained the leader in aluminium boat research and development for over 70 years. From the introduction of the Flared Bow in 1968, the Millenium Hull in 1999 and the Blade Hull in 2011, Quintrex has now released a hull like never before – the Apex Hull. True to its name, the Apex Hull offers the pinnacle of boating, with years of research and development leading to superior performance on the water.


quintrex apex hull

quintrex apex hull

The flare on the new hull is carried further aft to maintain continual contact with the water when on the plane, which creates a smoother ride. A wider, sweeping chine design on the Apex Hull opens the front of the hull to allow the flaring to carry further forward up the stem line, consequently improving rough water performance. By widening the chine, Quintrex has achieved increased stability and grip when cornering. Increased surface area at the bow of the Apex Hull provides much greater lift, ensuring a level attitude. Construction-wise, all Apex models 550 and up feature ribs welded to the bottom sheets.


The new Raised Side Deck featured on selected Apex models are fully welded and increase the overall internal volume of the boat by 20 percent. The new RSD feature on the Apex Hull increases freeboard by 80mm, offering extra comfort, safety and fishability. A compact side deck design maximises internal width in the Apex Hull. The overall footprint of the Apex Hull has increased by 5 percent; the forked bow creates room for a large bow seating area on Freestyler models and a large casting platform on Frontier models.


The lines of the Apex Hull combined with the forked bow, RSD and sleek windscreen profile (on Freestyler models) provide a much more modern look. The new upholstery design requires less fittings, resulting in a simple and clean-looking internal finish. Quintrex account managers Drew Jackson and Nathan Shaw said they expect the new hull to exceed expectations. “We released the Apex Hull to our dealer network at a recent conference on the Gold Coast and were overwhelmed with their response,” Nathan said. “Our dealers love the new design and we have already received great orders and customer inquiries. I encourage anyone to test drive one of the Apex Hulls because the results speak for themselves – it is a truly great design.”

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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