Sam – better known as Mad Froffer – and Lachlan with a double jewfish catch.

Sunshine Coast – weekly fishing report

After a very busy Easter on the Sunshine Coast, with school holidays coming to an end, beaches and waterways are starting to quieten down. Weather conditions for offshore fishing look ideal this Friday, Saturday and Sunday, with cooler mornings, warm daytime temperatures and calm conditions. As the wind is not expected to pick up until mid-morning Monday, this weekend is shaping up to be perfect. It’s also a great time for fishing and prawning leading up to the new moon on April 20.

With the exception of Good Friday, the Sunshine Coast has lived up to its name – perfect school holiday weather. Boat and jet ski numbers increased on local waters, as did those of recreational fishos. We were particularly pleased to see lots of kids getting out and fishing, with some having a go for the first time. It was great to see kids coming into our shop excited to show us photos of their catch and tell us about their fishing adventures.

The Noosa and Maroochy rivers continue to be great spots to wet a line. Flathead, bream and moses perch were caught in the Maroochy River around Bli Bli, with flathead and bream caught at the Cod Hole and whiting towards the mouth. Diamond trevally and jewfish have been caught in the upper reaches of the Maroochy. There are still quantities of prawns about, with Eudlo and Coolum creeks the picks of the spots. If you’re looking to pump yabbies, give the sandy stretch between Chambers Island and Twin Waters a go at low tide.

The Noosa River is currently providing anglers with catches of trevally, bream and whiting, with some anglers having success in landing golden trevally at the Noosa River mouth. Those casting a line in Woods Bay are finding plenty of flathead and trevally, while closer to Lake Cooroibah is yielding queenfish and jewfish.

Zac caught his first diamond trevally on the Noosa River.


For those looking for the pick of the beach fishing spots, Marcoola has been great for dart, with heaps being caught on live beachworms from our shop.

Offshore anglers are still seeing a lot of action, with cobia, spotted and spanish mackerel and yellowfin, longtail and mack tuna making up the bulk of the catch. Reports of coral trout and cod catches have come in from Noosa, while Mooloolaba is still seeing black marlin and wahoo from the 50-fathom line to the Hards, mahi mahi around the fish aggregating devices and snapper, tuskfish and moses perch on the Barwon Banks area. Caloundra fishos reported grass sweetlip, longail tuna, spanish mackerel and snapper around the 12 Mile. As snapper move closer to the coast in search of warmer water, plenty will be about to target in coming weeks.

Recently, crabbing has become popular again. And with the influx of tourists during the school holiday period, it’s a good time to review Queensland’s crabbing regulations. Remember, jennies – female crabs – must be released back into the water and bucks – male crabs – must be at least 15cm in size and there is a maximum possession limit of seven per person or 14 per boat – if there are two or more people onboard. It’s illegal to possess mud crabs with missing shells or claws without the rest of the crab, and interfering with a person’s crab pot is strictly prohibited. Keep in mind that stealing crabs or pots is considered a criminal offense and can result in severe penalties.

If you’re a female fisho on the Sunshine Coast and would love to win some great prizes, including a brand new tinnie valued at $18,000, enter the 2023 Womens Fishing Classic. The competition runs from Saturday May 6 to Saturday June 3, 2023 and is open to women of all ages and skill levels. Registrations close on Friday April 28, so get in quick! The WFC community is friendly and supportive and it’s a great way to meet other female fishos. I’m entering again this year and we are also offering a discount in store for entrants. You can find all the details at or search Womens Fishing Classic on Facebook.

Competitors in the Flathead Category during last year’s Womens Fishing Classic.


We hope you have a great weekend of fishing – see you next week with our latest fishing report. Remember to drop in to see us at 311 David Low Way in Bli Bli or check out

Tight lines!

Trent and Corinne
Bait Master Fishing & Tackle





About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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