TCBT quality fish
Mitch Martens and a good-sized nannygai.

TCBT team bagging quality fish

G’day crew, I’ve had a couple of months of hiatus and it’s good to be back. As always, I trust everyone is happy, healthy and has been out enjoying our beautiful waterways and the surrounding areas. TCBT quality fish

I know the team at The Chandlery Bait and Tackle have been getting out and I’ve even managed to wet a line a few times myself. It’s great seeing the whole crew here get out and bag a few good fish! TCBT quality fish

TCBT quality fish
Nadia rounded off her day with a nice queenfish.

Jayden was able to get away with his family to Seventeen Seventy – they had a ball and got a great feed! Big trout up to 74cm, redthroat emperor, cobia, sweetlip, cod, spangled emperor and a heap of good reef fare. TCBT quality fish

Chappo has been out harassing our local creeks looking for mangrove jack, cod, flathead and anything else that might be willing to eat a plastic. Nadia bagged a few nice land-based bread and butter species by walking the banks and exploring. Alan, well… he’s been laying turf and playing in the garden.

Myself, the last couple of trips out I’ve be on the hunt for a few jack. Bring on jack season! Judging by the amount of crab bait and the number of crab pots we’ve been selling, there have been a good number of crabs on the move. Plenty of reports have come in of just-legal crabs being caught in the upper reaches of the creeks, with most of them being A-grade.

Kauri, Gwarn and Browns creeks have all been producing nice crabs recently. Hopefully, the rain we had at the time of writing will result in bigger models being flushed out in time for the Christmas holidays. Don’t forget that fresh bait is going to serve you best, so keep frames from your recent trip and upgrade them to a feed of crab next time you’re out on the water.

With October, came such good flathead fishing that we referred to it as ‘Croctocber’. Flathead have been all over the place and many of our customers have been getting good numbers and some nice-sized fish. Bait such as whole prawns and pillies have been working for a lot of anglers.

But the majority of captures have come from fishos flicking lures. The Zerek Live Cherabin has been our number one top seller this month, hands down. The flatties have been going crazy for them and so has everything else. Also trolling small hard-bodies such as Zerek Tango Shads 50mm along the drop-offs on an ebbing tide is a sure-fire winner.

Marck was pleased with this mangrove jack.

Now that November is in full swing, the days are getting hotter and more humid and many fishos in the Moreton Bay area – and southeast Queensland for that matter – start thinking about hunting mangrove jack. Jack, jacky, red dogs, red bream… whatever you call them, we love to catch them. We love them so much we used them as our logo when we bought the shop!

Sometimes they come easily but most of the time they take effort to get boat side, so there’s no cure like time on the water to increase your catch rate.


Tight lines.

About Chris Rippon

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