global fish tuna

A perfect oppor-tuna-ty to celebrate an important global fish

WORLD Tuna Day – being celebrated today – is an opportunity to acknowledge one of the most popular and widely consumed fish in the world.

Assistant Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources Anne Ruston said World Tuna Day also promoted the sustainable management of global tuna stocks. “Those of us who love tuna also want to ensure future generations can enjoy it too,” Minister Ruston said. “Australia’s tuna industry, including the Australia’s Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery, provides high-quality, fresh tuna for seafood lovers around the world. Due to good management, we increased our catch of yellowfin tuna by an extra 200 tonnes – that’s almost 3.5 million additional serves of sashimi! Australian and global consumers can be confident that our tuna fisheries are well managed in accordance with the best available science. Good fisheries management and a strong commitment from industry is good for consumers, good for the industry, jobs and regional communities and most importantly, good for fish.”

World Tuna Day also coincides with the annual meeting of the Pacific Island Forum Fisheries Committee in Canberra.

“Australia is working with our regional neighbours to maximise the economic and social benefits of the world’s largest tuna fishery – the Western and Central Pacific Fishery,” Minister Ruston said.

“If you’re looking for a healthy and tasty lunch or dinner option today, I encourage everybody to enjoy some sustainably fished tuna.”

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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