cobia sunshine coast
Max Trappett caught this cobia on a soft plastic.

Warm water sees cobia, sweetlip and coral trout off Noosa

We had some near glass out days with next to no swell offshore. The Noosa bar however claimed another boat during the low tide and a mid-week bump in the swell. The channel is ever changing so do not rely on any tracks older than a week or so as you could become stuck in the sand. A word of warning goes out to all boaties crossing the bar, please stop before you cross and watch the sets and be sure you are compliant before crossing if in smaller craft. Check out the jackets, v-sheets, flair kits, epirbs and lighting options in the Davos Boating if you are in need.

Offshore North reef has been very popular and rightly so. Everything you could wish for has been showing up there with snapper very much on the menu. These fish have been taking everything from plastics, deep dropped baits and of course the classic pilchard floater on a gang hook. Check out the full range of pop till ya drop slow jigs for a chance to try something different and very effective across a wide range of species. Other fish included some standout reefies including pearlies, maori cod, tuskies and some mid water marauders, cobia.

Closer in, Sunshine Reef has shown snapper, cobia, sweetlip, emperor and even a coral trout! Yes the waters are still warm for the time of year so always expect the unexpected. That particular fish was caught on a live bait which is a great way to extract some of the huge fish that call this reef home. Paternoster rigs will always work well and a tip is to use a light loop of mono around your sinker. If the sinker gets stuck in the reef it is always easier to break this off and get your rig back. If floating baits be sure to use some bait wrap to help present your bait and keep it intact. This is important as the bigger fish tend to stay away from poorly presented baits.

The Noosa River has been fishing well for bream, whiting, tailor, flathead trevally and queenfish. Still the lower part of the river is tending to fish well with the dog beach, frying pan, around Weyba Bridge and Woods Bays the favourites. We now have super clear water so if you are serious about using lures you would be best to scale down to lighter 4-6lb lines and leaders. With the clear water comes increased visibility and the fish will be able to see what you are using. Scents are a must for soft plastic anglers as is refining your technique so help trick those fish into biting. Be sure to carry a landing net as big fish can and do get lost boat or bank side and keep the net out of the water until the last second. Keitech soft plastics are a great option as they have great movement when worked as do some of the smaller Berkley soft vibes. Fish these slowly and allow your prey to catch up and take a bite. Mud crabs are still on the move as we have had some heavy evening showers and with the new moon behind us the tides will begin to slow.

Surf fishing has been quieter with no jewies reported, however we have consistent reports of smaller tailor and standout bream getting caught all along the coast. Great options include the gutters and drop off along the river mouth and the north shore side of the frying pan. This area is changing a lot and new ground is getting exposed daily. Around the turn in the tide is a great time to fish these areas as the tides become weaker.

Freshwater has been fishing well in the consistent conditions and the winter bass are schooling in the main basin at Borumba and the deeper sections of MacDonald. Anglers are reporting good catches on the Hot Bite gang banger spoons and heavy jigheads weighted with 2-3 inch sized soft plastic curly tails slowly wound through the schooled up fish. Saratoga are quieter as we approach their breeding season and if after one persistence will certainly pay off as you approach be sure to do so with stealth.

Now for all the  latest information log onto for up to date bar and fishing reports, don’t forget to drop into Davo’s Tackle World, Davo’s Boating and Outdoors in Noosa and  Davo’s Northshore Bait & Tackle in Marcoola for all the right equipment, bait and advice to get you catching. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and remember Tight Lines and Bent Spines!

About Tackle World Noosa

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