Cleveland MP Mark Robinson and Wellington Point Marine's Donna Joy with the Reef Name and Location suggestion form.

Possible Wellington Point artificial reef

DR Mark Robinson, Member for Cleveland (Oodgeroo), has announced an LNP Government will invest $350,000 to build a new artificial reef structure close to Wellington Point, which will provide a totally new local fishing experience and support sustainability in the area.

Mark is already seeking feedback from the community about potential locations and names for the new artificial reef off Wellington Point and looks forward to seeing this initial investment built on in the years to come. You can join in our Reef Place and Name Competition by visiting your local marine and tackle shop, including Wellington Point Marine.

“As a recreational fisher with a Marine Science background, I am passionate about fishing sustainably within our local marine environment,” Dr Robinson said. “I have and will always work hard to deliver for our local boaties, fishers, divers and sailors to sustainably use our amazing natural surroundings.”

This new reef builds on what Mark has already achieved for Moreton Bay fishers including upgrades to boat ramps, pontoons, channel dredging and artificial reefs.

(Content supplied by the office of Mark Robinson MP)

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One comment

  1. Is another artificial reef really the best option? How significant a structure(s) are we talking about? The concrete balls that make up the existing artificial reefs west of Peel Island and east of Coochiemudloo Island (that are already within easy access to kayakers and tinnies) are almost non-existent structures as their size of the objects used was not significant enough to begin with. Now if we are talking about something larger like scuttling a ship or dropping larger concrete frames to create a new artificial reef, is there an area within easy reach of kayakers and tinnies that is deep enough to accommodate such a structure?

    Maybe these funds would be better spent on turning Tingalpa Reservoir into a stocked impoundment?

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