white spot disease prawns
A prawn affected by white spot disease. Photo: daf.qld.gov.au

White spot disease update and how to report it

WHITE spot disease is a highly contagious viral infection that affects crustaceans.

The disease has been confirmed in five prawn farms. The five infected premises (owned by four prawn farms) are located on the Logan River. Biosecurity Queensland is treating affected ponds with chlorine and is preparing for disposal and decontamination work. Surveillance and sampling in all prawn farms and waterways in the region will continue.

If you see crustaceans that you suspect have the disease, it is important to take note of the location and time and report this information immediately to Biosecurity Queensland on 13 25 23 or through the online white spot disease reporting form.  Alternatively, phone the Emergency Animal Disease Watch Hotline on 1800 675 888.

Biosecurity programs

A Prevention and Control Program and a Surveillance Program for white spot syndrome virus commence on January 21 2017.

The Prevention and Control Program (PDF, 1.7MB) focuses on containing the spread of white spot syndrome virus and ultimately its eradication through targeted destruction and decontamination of WSSV carriers.

The Surveillance Program (PDF, 1.2MB) will aid in confirming the presence or absence of WSSV by testing wild and farmed crustaceans across the state, including crustaceans and marine worms used for bait.

For more information on white spot disease, visit https://www.daf.qld.gov.au/animal-industries/animal-health-and-diseases/a-z-list/white-spot-disease/information-for-recreational-and-commercial-fishers

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