slim swimZ 3" z-man

Z-Man 3″ Slim SwimZ

FOLLOWING on from the popularity of the Z-Man 2.5” Slim SwimZ and driven by angler requests, Tackle Tactics has now released a 3” version of this deadly little paddle tail plastic.

This realistic baitfish profile is constructed from 10X Tough ElaZtech, allowing you to catch more fish per plastic.
The super-soft, flexible and realistic feel of the ElaZtech combined with the unique under-hooked paddle tail design gives this plastic an incredible life-like action in the water.

It’s an action that sees this compact baitfish punch well above its weight on numerous species. Species landed include big flathead, mulloway, bass, mangrove jack, barramundi and many more. The buoyancy of the ElaZtech helps bring the 3” Slim SwimZ to life in the water, with a tail-up, natural ‘feeding’ pose when at rest on the bottom.

The lively paddle tail provides action on the drop and retrieve, making it an excellent option for both beginner and experienced anglers in the fresh or salt.

Available initially in 12 of the most popular colours, the 3” Slim SwimZ comes in a pack of six with a SRP of $10.95.

For more information, visit

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