streakz curly tailz 5"

Z-Man 5″ StreakZ Curly TailZ

THE popularity and effectiveness of the Z-Man 4” StreakZ Curly TailZ in both the fresh and salt has led to the development of a larger 5” StreakZ Curly TailZ profile.

This profile features a minnow-shaped body with a belly slot for easy weedless rigging or adding a squirt of Pro-Cure Super Gel scent. Its long, lively curl tail is sure to make it a go-to for targeting snapper, mulloway, flathead, barra and more.

Add to this proven profile the benefits of ElaZtech construction and you have dynamite action in a 10X Tough, super-soft and flexible plastic that allows you to catch more fish per lure while having a realistic feel that keeps fish biting. The buoyancy of ElaZtech also ensures a tail-up ‘feeding’ pose when at rest on the bottom that attracts fish and triggers strikes.

As well as being a deadly profile on its own, the Z-Man 5” StreakZ Curly TailZ is also sure to prove popular as a spinnerbait or chatterbait trailer when chasing Murray cod and more. Initially available in eight colours, with four per pack and a SRP of $11.50.

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