
Snapper time in southeast Queensland


Winter is snapper time in southeast Queensland and since the introduction of the closed season from mid-July to mid-August, June is the month to chase a few. The cooler water temperature and light southerly wind that we typically experience during June are perfect conditions for schooling snapper to feed and spawn. Snapper are an incredible fish, particularly when you consider …

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Inshore snapper on soft plastics


A lot of anglers start their soft plastics fishing journey chasing bread and butter species such as bream and flathead, with the perception that snapper are a more exotic species reserved for anglers with big boats travelling long distances. This is not the case. Over the years, improvements in fishing tackle, electronics and watercraft have seen small boats and even …

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Solid snapper from rubble ground


Let’s hope 2024 brings nice weather so we can all get out and chase a few fish. snapper With the weather warming up, a lot of people will turn their attention to chasing mackerel in the bay, but there’s another species to chase in summer – snapper. Most anglers only target southern bay snapper in the cooler months of the …

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Targeting Brisbane River snapper

Continuing on with last month’s tips for targeting snapper in the Brisbane River, time of day isn’t as important as fishing the right tide. I’ve caught plenty of good fish in the middle of the day. If you coincide a good stage of the tide with an early morning or late afternoon, you’re giving yourself a good chance of hooking …

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Brisbane River snapper guide


My favourite fish to target in December are snapper. The Brisbane River can turn on some excellent snapper fishing in this month and they’re a stack of fun to catch on lures. While I spend a bit of time targeting them on bait as well, I’ll concentrate on lures for now and take a look at bait fishing in a …

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Summer snapper tips


To kick off, I’d like to wish a happy new year to everyone. The past couple of years of writing and sharing what I know about fishing, boating and going to new places has been very enjoyable – I hope you’ve been able to get something out of it. It looks as though 2023 will be an awesome year, with …

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Solid snapper and flatty sessions

Moreton Bay winter species

WELL, it’s been a long time since I wrote my last article. Moreton Bay winter species I’ve been writing articles for a fair few years now and I’ve never seen a year quite like this one. So, for that reason I haven’t written anything – simply because with all the rain, wind and poor water quality, for the first five …

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Gearing up for Gold Coast snapper

G’day fishos, July already! Gold Coast snapper We have had a very challenging first half to the year but we’ve managed to pull through, bringing us into the middle of winter with favourable conditions over the past few weeks. Hopefully, we can follow suit and have a cracker season on our colder water species. With the Gold Coast’s offshore fishing, …

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Tips for winter species

The temperature is dropping, so I suppose it’s time to hibernate during the colder weather… what do you reckon? Tips for winter species That’s a big, “Heck no!” Tips for winter species Just because you have to put on an extra layer of clothing doesn’t mean that the Capricorn Coast action can’t be smoking hot.     First of all, …

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Preparing for Gold Coast snapper

I am guessing that like me, many of you will be wondering when this windy and rainy weather will stop. Gold Coast snapper Though it may seem to be a bit of an inconvenience, it is in actual fact creating a wonderful and very strong fish population for winter. Gold Coast snapper These weather cycles do two things in particular. …

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