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The author with Scott and William Morrison who were the lucky winners of the Bluefin Drifter Deluxe. Brad Richey from Bluefin Boats (right) was on hand to present the boat.

Bluefin Sports Tuition Fishing Classic

THE family friendly Bluefin Sports Tuition Fishing Classic was held at Moogerah Dam from December 2-4.

This was the first year the competition had been held at Moogerah. For the past three years the comp was held at Maroon Dam under the banner of the Bluefin Lake Maroon Fishing Classic. Competitors enjoyed the new venue at Camp Moogerah, with plenty of cabin accommodation and camping areas on offer.

The huge air-conditioned hall was a godsend in the extreme heat we encountered over the weekend too. Great fish were caught, with Mitchell Petty taking out the senior longest bass category with a 53.6cm brute hooked on a purple Z-Man paddle tail soft plastic and 1/2oz jig head. Matt Home collected a 52.8cm yellowbelly to win that category, Johnathan Dionysius landed the longest silver perch at 42.7cm and Peter Milner just edged out a couple of competitors in the eel-tailed catfish category to take the win with a 52.1cm specimen.

The Overall Champion Angler was calculated by recording the longest fish of each species caught by an angler. This title was won by Shane Whell who captured a total length of 183.3cm of fish. The junior division was dominated by the Whell and Hunt families. Hunter Whell picked up a 46.5cm bass, Rhyleigh Whell a 48.9cm yellowbelly and Justin Hunt a 42cm silver perch and 51.3cm catty.

Justin Hunt also took out the Overall Junior Champion Angler award with a combined length of 175.3cm.The weekend had a very relaxing feel and it was an enjoyable event to host. Those who competed did so in the right spirit. The category prizes were donated by Wilson Fishing, Damiki, Evakool, Bush ‘n Beach Fishing magazine and Queensland Fishing Monthly.

Nordic Stage and Wilson sponsored the kids’ casting competition and Mick Turner from Spin & Turn Spinner Baits ensured all the kids were winners. Wilson, Westfield North Lakes, Nordic Stage and Shane Whell Mobile Outboard Marine Mechanic all contributed to the raffle draws. Bluefin Boats was once again the major sponsor and donated two boats as lucky door prizes.

The senior lucky door winner was Scott Morrison who walked away with the 4.2m Bluefin Drifter Deluxe. Hudson Hammond was the lucky junior who collected the 3.0 Bluefin Catfish. Thank you to Barry for hosting the comp at Camp Moogerah and to all the generous sponsors who made the event possible.

The next fishing competition being directed by Sports Tuition is a saltwater event from April 28-30 at Pelican Park, Redcliffe. Save the date now and follow Sports Tuition and Bluefin on Facebook to keep up to date. It’s going to have the largest prize pool ever seen at a family friendly fishing competition.

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Dylan with a yellowbelly landed during the comp.
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Mitchell Petty with the cracking fish that took out the bass category during the Bluefin Sports Tuition Fishing Classic at Moogerah Dam.
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Rhyleigh’s 48.9cm yellowbelly saw her win the junior division for the longest yellowbelly.
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Hudson with a 51cm cattie that he caught during the comp.

About Steve Wilkes

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