Hayley Ward with a bream in Baffle Creek.

Bundaberg – weekly report

OFFSHORE AND INSHORE Bundaberg weekend fishing

Once again, the wind looks like it’s not going to play the game this week. For offshore fishos, with the wind the way it is, it’s a perfect time to check over your gear and get your reels serviced and ready for when the weather gods turn it on. If you do decide to head out, make sure to check the latest weather report. Bundaberg weekend fishing


Bundaberg – weekly report
Corey Cronin with a 50-52cm mangrove jack.



The Burnett River at this time of year is firing, with good numbers of grunter, bream, flathead and the occasional whiting. If you’re wanting to chase grunter and bream, the best spots are the rubble beds, shale bottoms and deeper holes. A few good spots that come to mind are the Molasses Shed, rock walls between the Fairymead Boat Ramp and the Burnett Heads Boat Ramp, Strathdees Boat Ramp and the gravel beds towards the port. The go-to bait have been mullet strips and prawns, however lures are an extremely effective way to cover more ground. A Zerek Fish Trap in the 65mm Pink Eye or the Samaki Vibelicious 70mm in Pearl Shrimp hopped along the bottom with long pauses should entice a few bites. Bundaberg weeken

Bundaberg – weekly report
Dale Smith and a 98cm barramundi from Lake Monduran.

d fishing


The crabs have been on the move before we get some cold weather, so the deeper holes at the mouths of the creeks are a favourite for me. The bait can be mullet heads, fish frames or even chicken frames from the local butcher. There have been some good whiting caught around the mouth of the Kolan River using yabbies on the sand flats. The Kolan and Baffle Creek also have good rocky bottoms and deeper holes to chase bream, grunter and flathead. When using bait, I buy a whole mullet fillet. I use the fillets for bait and the leftover frame for my crab pots. Bundaberg weekend fishing



Bundaberg – weekly report
Hayley Ward with a bream in Baffle Creek.


Bundaberg – weekly report
Xavier Kellie with a blue salmon.


With the weather starting to cool down, the fish have been sitting deep in the weed and in the shallow bays. The weedless plastics and topwater lures have been producing bites, with the water temperature at this time of the year playing a big part in catching barramundi. The trick is to find the warmer water and less pressured points to fish. The 140 Molix Shad has been the go-to lure for most anglers. The wind has pushed a lot more fish towards the back of the dam and the northern banks, so remember to try to keep the wind at your back when looking for fish.

Until next time, tight lines.

Nathan Sutton
Tackle World Bundaberg


Catch of the Week! Gail Harmer with a cracker 70cm grunter. Congratulations Gail! You are our Catch of the Week winner! Call into the store to collect your $50 gift card.

If you would like your catch photos published to be in the running for a $50 gift card every week, please email your details and photos of local catches only to accounts@tackleworldbundy.com.au

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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Bundaberg – weekly fishing report

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