Fishing News

Proof big bait equals big fish

big bait big fish

While many thousands of articles have been written on how to catch large jewfish using almost every technique and bait or lure imaginable, the old saying ‘big bait equals big fish’ still holds true, especially when fishing off the beach. Yes, I’ve seen large jew caught on king prawns, small strips of mullet, bonito and the humble beachworm, however I …

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Operation Guardian getting results along our inland rivers

Fisheries Officers continue to wrack up the results as part of Operation Guardian along our inland waterways after the recent apprehension of fishers engaged in illegal fish trapping. Since Operation Guardian began, Fisheries Officers in the North West of the state have spent many hours in the field detecting and deterring illegal activity and have seized 50 wire fish traps …

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Commercial fisher has been fined $15,000


A commercial fisher has been fined $15,000 in the Caboolture Magistrates Court. He had repeatedly failed to allow Fisheries officers to inspect his vehicle and boat, did not maintain logbooks properly and had non-compliant nets. The offences took place on a number of occasions over 6 months. In one instance, the fisher motored away from QBFP officers on the Caboolture …

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Carp and tilapia eradication

Carp tilapia eradication

It was a fantastic turn out for the 2021 Wyaralong Dam Carp and Tilapia Eradication Competition held on November 13, 2021 which saw 234 competitors smash some of the largest fish removed from the Wyaralong Dam yet, even with not ideal weather and dubious conditions leading up to and on the day. Organised by the Logan and Albert Fish Management …

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Nice angling around Northern Rivers NSW

angling Northern Rivers

Fishing around the Iluka and Yamba areas has been fairly good recently, with some excellent catches being reported from the headlands and breakwalls. angling Northern Rivers The southern end of the Iluka Bluff has been on fire for plenty of large jewfish on minnow lures during a falling tide, with the largest fish weighed at the local tackle shop tipping …

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Myths busted on jew

Myths busted on jew

It never ceases to amaze me how many anglers still believe jewfish are primarily a night-time feeder, when in fact anglers in the know will actually catch the bulk of their large jew during daylight hours. Myths busted on jew Personally, all of my 30kg plus fish have been taken during the day and the majority of my 20kg plus …

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Double duck for Tye as Mischa puts runs on board

Double duck

They say that any given spot rarely fishes the same two days running. This was the case when my son Mischa and I decided recently to duck up to the old ferry approach at Iluka during the slack high-water at night to chase jewfish on soft plastic lures. Double duck I was using a 13cm Storm WildEye Swim Shad while …

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Chasing coral trout on shallow flats

coral trout flats

No one reading this can honestly say they wouldn’t rather be on a remote lagoon fishing the Great Barrier Reef in crystal-clear conditions. It is my favourite place in the world and one that, as soon as I leave, I’m dreaming of the next time I can go back. coral trout flats The variety of fish is unparalleled to anywhere …

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Grief from gusts in north NSW

gusts north NSW

Believe it or not there was a time when the vast majority of people who owned four-wheel-drive vehicles where either hunters, farmers or fishers. These days everyone has one, and vast areas of the state including beaches and state forests are being locked up due to the large number of reckless and stupid clowns who have no regard for the …

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Chasing a feed of flathead

Chasing flathead

Fishing along the Clarence Coast of northern NSW has once again been affected by a series of strong to gale-force wind and extremely large swells, but having said that the anglers who have been able to fish during the quieter periods still managed to rustle up a half decent feed of flathead, bream and school jewfish. Chasing flathead Inside the …

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