Fishing Rules

Crab poachers feeling the heat in NSW

nsw dpi crab poachers

FISHERIES officers from the NSW Department of Primary Industries have continued to put the blowtorch on illegal crab fishing and black-market sales. NSWDPI A/Director Fisheries Compliance Brett Andrew said several people including a restaurant owner are in hot water for allegedly dealing illegally in crabs. “Fisheries officers inspected a restaurant in South West Rocks on May 28 and seized a …

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Black day for Burnett Heads black marketers

burnett heads black market fishers

A BURNETT Heads father and son have been fined $19,000 for significant black market fishing activity involving more than 90 illegal transactions. Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries Mark Furner said the pair were unlawfully selling thousands of dollars worth of prawns and mud crabs, and were found in possession of regulated fish and commercial fishing apparatus. “This prosecution …

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Using drones to protect our fisheries

drones qld fisheries

QUEENSLAND Boating and Fisheries Patrol officers are putting an eye in the sky to help protect our state’s fisheries resources with drones being deployed at key locations. Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries Mark Furner said a fleet of 10 drones would be used by compliance officers to extend their surveillance reach. “By its nature, Queensland Boating and Fisheries …

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Black market fishing could land you in jail

fined black market activities brisbane black market fishing

HEAVIER fines and jail time of up to three years awaits anyone who trades fish on the black market. Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries Mark Furner said it was one of several changes to the Fisheries Act that had now taken effect. “Anyone found guilty of black marketing or trafficking in fish is looking at fines of up …

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Not knowing crabbing rules results in $7000 fine at Caboolture

operation turbo reef illegal crab haul red handed crabbing rules queensland aussie salvage squad fined commercial fisher fined $12,000 deter black marketing

CRABBERS are urged to know Queensland’s crabbing rules after a man was fined more than $7000 for taking undersized crabs from the Caboolture River, north of Brisbane. Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries Mark Furner said in April 2018, Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol officers found the man with 11 undersized male mud crabs and eight females, which are …

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New rules to protect black jewfish and Moreton Bay molluscs

fishing options bundaberg black jewfish

BLACK jewfish are now better protected under new rules that apply to commercial and recreational fishers, and the take of gastropods and bivalve molluscs has been completely banned in Moreton Bay to protect sustainability. Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries Mark Furner said this was in response to feedback from the community concerned about overfishing of these species. “We’ve …

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Illegal fishing network on Darling River unravelled

darling river illegal fish

MONTHS of intelligence gathering and high-level collaboration between NSW, Victoria and South Australia has resulted in the apprehension of a 36-year-old Pomona man for allegedly taking and illegally selling 12 tonnes of golden perch worth around $200,000. Operation Weelsby was led by NSW Department of Primary Industries Fisheries over a 20-month period, and included the Victorian Fisheries Authority, Primary Industries …

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Not knowing Queensland fishing rules results in $4000 fine

queensland fishing rules undersized

FISHERS are being urged to make sure they know the Queensland fishing rules after five Sunshine Coast fishers were recently fined a total of $4000 for taking undersized fish. Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries Mark Furner said Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol officers found the fishers with 150 undersize fish on Chambers Island in the Maroochy River on …

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New fisheries laws mean stronger compliance on the Sunshine Coast

new fisheries laws stronger fisheries laws black market marine park

NEW fisheries laws passed by the Queensland Government mean Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol officers will have increased powers to crack down on black market fishers. Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries Mark Furner said making sure fishers followed the rules was critical to maintaining fish stocks. “Our reforms are a crucial step in building a legacy of a …

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Fishal recognition technology helps monitor commercial catches

fishal recognition spanner crabs

CUTTING-edge technology including fish image (fishal) recognition is being used to automatically collect information on commercial fishing in ground-breaking research funded by the Queensland Government. Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries Mark Furner said the feasibility stage of the Advance Queensland Small Business Innovation Research program had produced promising results. “The two successful applicants Anchor Lab and Fish-e have …

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