Fishing Tips

Pelagics guide for Noosa


Here we are again, with the end of yet another year and Christmas holidays around the corner. In reflection, it certainly has been a different year to previous. At the time of writing, it is cold and raining, instead of being 30C and 80 percent humidity. This has certainly seen a change in defined angling seasons, most likely due to …

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Moreton Bay threadfin


Wow, I can’t believe Christmas is just around the corner – it has snuck up fairly fast and another year is nearly over. As we know, the weather this year has been a major factor, with plenty of rain and a lot of wind, getting out on the water fishing was made a little more difficult than normal. Though I …

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Improving your fishing results


Planning and preparation are the key ingredients to success in life, and fishing is no different. The more down time you spend preparing your gear and planning your trip, the more success you will have. Planning Unfortunately, most of us are time limited and can’t go fishing as often as we might like. But this doesn’t stop us from being …

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Tips for big summer whiting

IF you’re a summer whiting fisho like me, Christmas comes early, with this month as good as it gets. Tips for big summer whiting: No more travelling miles up the Nerang River to find fish because they are on the move downstream to spawn. This means fishing the area between Sundale Bridge and Isle of Capri will get you a …

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Covering old ground


When it comes to fishing, there is always a lot of talk about finding new ground and searching, and yes, it’s definitely a good thing to do. Though something to not forget is the old ground as well. What I mean by this is, ground you found by searching and have caught fish on at some point. My advice, when …

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Improving catches when it’s tough offshore

Tough offshore

I’VE been speaking to a lot of anglers who have been heading wide from Yeppoon targeting red emperor and large-mouth nannygai, and many of the reports are that the fishing has been quite tough offshore. The first thing I ask most anglers who are struggling is how far they have headed out from the marina and what tactics they used. …

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Correctly handling fish for safe release

Safe release

I’VE written articles about the correct handling of fish destined for release previously, but the message needs to be delivered to each new generation of anglers to ensure best practices are being used. Catch and release is becoming a part of the lives of more anglers every day. This is partly due to the realisation by the general angling public …

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Tips to target arrow squid

Arrow squid

AUGUST is a bumper month for flathead, flounder, winter whiting, tailor, school mackerel, bream and arrow squid in the Gold Coast Broadwater and the Nerang River. I love catching all of these species for the customers on my daily charters and prefer to release most of the fish, though keeping a few legal fish for a feed is also fine. …

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Less is more with light gear

Light gear

THOUGH horrible weather persists, we managed to get out in June, after the wreck that we will call May! Light gear There have been quite a few days of cold weather, which signifies the return of snapper and the deeper schools of yummy grunter. Fishing around the full moon was fairly good however, I do expect the fishing to get …

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Taming tropical pelagics

Tropical pelagics

My greatest disappointment from the swing to the Greens is that my hopes global warming would bring an end to frosty winters in southern Queensland are dashed… Tropical pelagics Yes, I’m being satirical. Well, if winter won’t leave southern Queensland, then I guess we cryophobes must. (Cryophobia is an abnormal and persistent fear of cold, including cold weather and cold …

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