Local Reports

Sunshine Coast Noosa – weekly report

Sunshine Coast Noosa

Drier times ahead – Well, we certainly got smashed! As a result, the rivers saw record levels of floodwater and sediment. For the Noosa River and many other systems, this means a lot of displaced fish and larger congregations of baitfish. For the angler, this translates to finding larger schools of fish that should be very hungry. Sunshine Coast Noosa …

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Bundaberg – weekly report

Bundaberg fishing

OFFSHORE / INSHORE Bundaberg fishing The weather at this period of time is looking OK for the bigger boats that want to get out and have a bottom bash. Good reports from the previous week with catches of red emperor, coral trout and grass sweetlip all coming onboard. For smaller boats… get out early before the wind picks up. There …

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Sunshine Coast Noosa – weekly report

Sunshine Coast Noosa

The big wet – Unless you’ve been interstate, you will know that southeast Queensland has received record flooding rainfall. The local rivers are flooding, causing major disruptions across the entire state. Sunshine Coast Noosa So how is this going to impact the fishing for the weeks to come? Sunshine Coast Noosa Offshore was showing signs of longtail tuna with the …

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Bundaberg – weekly report

Bundaberg fishing

OFFSHORE / INSHORE Bundaberg fishing The weather this weekend looks like it is going to play the game, so this will be the chance to get out and chase those bigger reef species such as coral trout, red emperor and grassy sweetlip. There have also been a few nice pelagics caught off the coast. With the recent weather, we’ve not …

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Bundaberg – weekly report

Bundaberg fishing

OFFSHORE Bundaberg fishing Offshore fishing has really been turning it on lately… when the weather is playing the game. Coral trout have definitely been the standout fish, caught in good numbers offshore. Fishing for trout using pilchard is the best technique to get a feed but using soft plastics can also be a deadly way to catch them. Fingers crossed …

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Sunshine Coast Noosa – weekly report

Sunshine Coast Noosa

Good times ahead – Finally, we saw a brief break in the relentless weather that has been hitting us from all angles since last year! It was certainly a case of the early bird got a shot at the fish, with some cracking captures reported. Sunshine Coast Noosa For most, it was all about the mackerel and a few fish …

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Sunshine Coast Noosa – weekly report

Sunshine Coast Noosa

Surfs up – As we continue to see big easterly swell hitting the bar with southeasterly wind, the surfers sure are happy! Sunshine Coast Noosa For those heading offshore, the windows have been very narrow with wind tending to puff up early. A few boats made the run-out, but reports were limited. For those itching to get out, the reef …

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Bundaberg – weekly report

Bundaberg fishing

INSHORE REEFS At the stage of writing this report, the marine weather forecast for the weekend is looking half decent, considering last weekend was blowing a gale. Always check the weather before heading out because as we know, it changes faster than the weatherman can predict sometimes. Friday morning until Saturday lunch will be your best shot at filling the …

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Sunshine Coast Noosa – weekly report

Wild winds and big fish – Well as the title suggests, it has certainly been a big week of weather yet again. It really is a case of having your gear ready to go at moment’s notice and being prepared and flexible to make sudden changes to plans once out. The biggest bit of advice is to have mobile phones with …

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Bundaberg – weekly report

INSHORE REEFS With the weather for this weekend looking unpredictable and not looking too good for offshore, it’s time for some maintenance or to get a few jobs that need attending to on the boat. If you do venture out, ensure to check the latest weather report. Bundaberg BURNETT RIVER Over the past two months, the Burnett River has had …

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