Local Reports

Coomera Houseboats customers getting into the jewfish

A good run of weather for all our Coomera Houseboats customers last weekend and early in the week was the perfect end to May.  The first day of winter kicked off with a cool south westerly on the Gold Coast.  Let’s have a look at what been biting this week. Our Houseboat customers did well again this week getting amongst …

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Stanage Bay fishing options

Welcome one and all to Stanage Bay, Percy Isles, Shoalwater Bay and surrounding islands, The Road into Stanage Bay has been graded and is better than the bruce highway.  However, don’t be complacent, for its still only gravel and changes with traffic, wind and rain…on  a daily basis.  Please respect it and the graziers by not throwing your cans and …

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Red-hot fishing off Bundaberg

How good was that weather off Bundaberg last weekend and earlier this week? This good weather allowed a lot of boats to head offshore, with the gutters out to the islands really turning on some red hot fishing. There were some great catches of big red emperor, coral trout, red throat sweetlip and some monster tusk fish all from out …

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Gold Coast giving up good fish

We’ve had a nice week weather wise, with the Gold Coast giving us light winds and sunshine making conditions on the water favourable. It’s great to be back on deck after a couple of weeks off, looks like our customers have been catching some great fish and crabs while I was away.  Let’s have a look at fishing options for …

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Stanage Bay fishing report

Howdy everyone from Stanage Bay Marine & Accommodation. Finally the weekly road, crabbing and fishing report will be on this site again after a long break.  The report is also in the monthly Bush n’ Beach Fishing magazine, so do yourself a big favour and buy one, or better still get a subscription. The road into Stanage Bay as we …

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Noosa really turns on the fishing

With the cooler weather we’ve been having, trevally have really been on the chew, with some great catches reported this week. Goldens, GTs and big eyes have all been bagged. In an example of how well this area turns on the fishing, some stonking great queenies were also landed in the hole at the end of the sand bags with …

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Anything could turn up around Coomera

We have just had a couple of the most perfect Autumn days around Coomera, with lots of sunshine and very low winds but it looks like that is all about to change. The forecast for the Gold Coast has us expecting quite a bit of rain over this coming week end. The winds are going to stay east to south-easterly …

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Flathead just keep on coming on Sunshine Coast

In the Noosa River, the season for flathead just keeps rolling on. Again we have seen some really big fish this week, with a couple over the 90cm mark. Live baits are still the go to method with herring being the most popular bait. Dead baits are also working well, the standout is still whitebait fished on gang hooks. A …

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Action aplenty off Bundaberg

How good was it earlier this week to see a few days of great weather? This meant that plenty of boats got offshore from Bundaberg and out along the coast. There was action aplenty out wide with coral trout, sweetlip, cod, cobia and Spanish mackerel all being caught. The smaller boats that fished the inshore reefs also got some quality …

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Bundaberg forecast good for fishing

With a bit of luck, this weekend’s Bundaberg forecast isn’t looking too bad.  The southeasterlies are predicted to blow less than 15 knots, which may present a small window for the bigger boats to explore the wider grounds. With the full moon during this week, there will be bigger tides around Bundy this weekend, but it should be worth a …

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