
Jew and threadfin in Brisbane River

I’ve heard of people cooking them and the worms disappearing, but I think I would struggle to eat the flesh knowing worms were in there. Snapper have been another decent target in recent months. I went chasing them in mid-August with a mate and ended up hooking a jewie over a metre on the first cast. It was definitely a bit of …

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Watch your winter whiting limit

“If we are to continue to enjoy fishing, everyone must share the resources and abide by the laws.” Mr Bowness said recreational fishers often confuse trumpeter whiting (winter whiting) with sand whiting (summer whiting). “Trumpeter whiting have a silvery grey back with a paler belly featuring a silver horizontal band,” he said. “Sand whiting are uniformly silver (no blotches) with …

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Freshwater fish stocking kicks off across NSW

NSW Primary Industries Minister Niall Blair has announced the start of the 2015/16 fish stocking season, which will see millions of fish released into NSW waterways to maintain and enhance our inland recreational fisheries. To kick start the highly anticipated freshwater fish-stocking season, Department of Primary Industries fish hatchery staff last week released up to 50,000 juvenile Australian bass into Glennies …

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Community meeting to discuss Queensland fishing rules

Local fishers are invited to an information evening to discuss local fishing issues and Queensland fishing rules. The information evening will be held at the Australian Hotel (Grey St, St George) on August 27, 2015 from 6.30pm. Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol district officer Coby Walker said a number of changes to Queensland’s freshwater fishing rules came into effect from …

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Gladstone barra and jacks active

WINTER in Gladstone year has been very mild until recently, with temperatures rarely dropping below 12C on the central coast. This has seen the water temperature staying higher over winter and fish such as barra and jacks remaining a common capture. As the temperature begins to rise towards the end of August, these fish will start to bite for longer …

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Sneaky squid session

Changing to a 4g jig gave me enough distance to reach the back of the target area and allowed me to slowly work along the bank, keeping the old 10’ glass rod high to compensate for the weight of the 4g jig over the shallow reef. The only modern aspect to the rod and reel combination that has changed since …

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King threadfin concerns in Brisbane River

STOCKS of king threadfin in the Brisbane River are at risk of serious decline. Infofish Australia has been monitoring the commercial catch for over a year but with a dip in the 2014 catch it wasn’t clear the take was too high until April/May this year. To March, Brisbane was the second-largest king threadfin fishery in the state. A meeting …

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Gold Coast rivers ripe with fish

August coincides with fantastic tailor action on the lead-up to the moons in the lower reaches of the Tweed and Gold Coast river systems. Tailor tend to spike in activity around the tide changes and in particular the first couple of hours of the run-in tide. They can often be easily located by either bird or surface activity as they …

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