Being fibreglass, canoes are quite light and their length means you can lift one end onto the car, then lift the other and slide it up on the roof racks, avoiding a dead lift of the whole thing like you have to do with most kayaks. Up until this point, I had been taking the kids out in a small …
Read More »Countdown on to QLD’s Richest Freshwater Fishing Event
WITH less than four weeks remaining until all the action of the 2015 Clancy Corporation Lake Moondarra Fishing Classic commences, organiser Mount Isa Fish Stocking Group is kicking things into high gear. Requiring hundreds of hours in volunteer man power to turn what is famously crowned as Queensland’s richest freshwater fishing event into a reality, the organising committee is busily preparing everything …
Read More »Impoundment barra on the bite
The hot name on the Australian lure market at the moment is Zerek Innovation. Brought into Australia by Wilson Fishing, Zerek is a market leader in many fishing applications. New products such as the Zerek Skittish Dog, Fish Trap, Surger and Tango Shad were recently released at the Australian Fishing Trade Association show on the Gold Coast. In the coming months we …
Read More »Getting Hervey Bay Fishing Results
ONCE again I turn my focus to actual events on the water around Hervey Bay. It was the middle of winter and it was a regular day to begin with. Sure enough, they were quick to put one in my hands. I motored away and put us over a small school of large fish and the reaction was instantaneous. My client’s jig rod …
Read More »South Stradbroke Island Kayak Trip
The campgrounds were impeccable, proof that all who visit this place respect its beauty and leave it the way they find it. At this point I should probably point out that you don’t exactly need to rough it over there. I didn’t know this at the time, but the island is well equipped with running water, toilets and a great shower facility. I …
Read More »Float Lining for a Trophy Fish
Some people think you need to travel many kilometres offshore to catch big snapper, but that is not always the case. My PB 88cm snapper was caught in Moreton Bay in just 3.5m of water. Fishing the bay is a lot harder than fishing the offshore reefs. Fishing the correct tides, moon phases, with fresh baits and the right technique …
Read More »Good Run of Fishing on Tweed Coast Continues
they have been avoidable and the more preferred reef species have hung about. It is simply a matter of identifying a school of leatherjacket on your sounder and moving somewhere else. As I sit here and write, they seem to be leaving anyway, so that’s good news all round. Solid squire and jewfish are being caught on Windarra Banks. Teraglin …
Read More »Fishing Superstition – True or False?
Fishing Communication On another note, communication on the water can be vital whenever any form of breakdown or unexpected emergency occurs. VHF repeater channel 21 provides the best radio range for anyone fishing offshore in our backyard off Brisbane thanks to Redcliffe Coast Guard. While that VHF repeater on Moreton Island was off the air for maintenance recently, several people mentioned …
Read More »Basstasstic Teams’ Championship qualifier
Tailor Tactics – Rock and Estuary
it impedes the lure’s action. The braid helps to get your lure down deeper and bumps on the line from weed or a fish are better transferred to the rod without the stretch of mono. Medium to fast-action rods of about 7’ are perfect for this technique. Once I find the fish and hook up, I like to then cut …
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