
Tips for catching sand whiting


Hi everyone, well we are coming towards the end of a hot, wet and windy summer, which is a relief! On the plus side, the fishing has been epic. I know I’ve been talking about sand whiting a lot lately but this month I will share again some tips for targeting these hard-fighting and delicious fish. Summer rainfall at the …

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Gold Coast summer whiting and crabs


Well, it’s a brand-new year with some fresh fishing opportunities, hopefully. This can be a tough month to fish during the day because it’s hot, windy and at times stormy. I used to be keen on night fishing but in recent years I much prefer to get out on the water in the early morning. It’s a great time of …

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Summer whiting on lures


Hi everyone, it’s crazy that we are into February already. January flew by so fast, with plenty of charters for us during peak season. The fishing has been excellent – bumper catches of big sand whiting, still plenty of flathead and even late runs of tailor feeding in the Broadwater on huge schools of whitebait. Mangrove jack will continue to …

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Next gen intro to K’gari


K’gari is a magical place and I’ve been very fortunate to have had the pleasure of visiting it since I was a kid. I still have fond memories of my first trip to Lake McKenzie as a young boy with my family, swimming in the crystal-clear water and watching turtles play. This year, I headed back on my annual camping …

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Tips for big summer whiting

IF you’re a summer whiting fisho like me, Christmas comes early, with this month as good as it gets. Tips for big summer whiting: No more travelling miles up the Nerang River to find fish because they are on the move downstream to spawn. This means fishing the area between Sundale Bridge and Isle of Capri will get you a …

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How to catch sand whiting


Hi everyone, November on the Gold Coast is when some of our favourite fish start to fire up, and that includes sand or summer whiting. These incredibly prolific fish are distributed along the east coast of Australia, from Cape York south to Tasmania. They spawn two to three times at river mouths and surf zones during September to April and …

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Hot beach fishing action on K’gari trip


Hi folks, I’m recently back from a 10-night trip to K’gari – previously called Fraser Island – and what a trip it was! In the 26 years of fishing the island, that was probably the best all-round fishing we’ve had on both the east and western sides of the island. This trip to K’gari was timed to coincide with a …

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Wading for whiting tips

While springtime is associated with flotillas of boats chasing flathead in and around the southern Moreton Bay islands and Broadwater, much less attention is given to chasing fish such as flathead and whiting on foot in spring. Even when it comes to fishing charter operators – with a couple of exceptions such as fellow scribes Clint Ansell and Ross McCubbin …

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Gold Coast Coomera – weekly report

Gold Coast

Hi everyone, hope you have all had a great start to the new year, once again this week there has been no respite from the strong winds, large swell and rain that has been battering the Gold Coast for the past two weeks making it very tuff for those that had time off and planned a few fishing trips on …

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Low tide beach whiting

WITH summer now in full swing, what better time to chase some summer whiting from the beach in Queensland and northern NSW. Although they can be caught all year around, particularly in southeast Queensland, summer or yellowfin whiting are a great option from the beach in summer, particularly when other beach targets like tailor and bream are in thinner numbers. …

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