cid harbour do not swim shark attack
Photo: Fisheries Queensland

‘Do not swim’ warning signs and buoys in place at Cid Harbour

‘Do not swim’ warning signs and marine marker buoys are now in place at Cid Harbour following this week’s tragic fatal shark attack in the Whitsundays.

There are sharks in all Queensland waters. Be alert when choosing where and when to swim and follow these swimmer safety guidelines:

– Swim only at patrolled beaches and between the flags
– Obey lifesavers’ and lifeguards’ advice, and heed all sign and safety warnings
– Leave the water immediately if a shark is sighted
– Do not swim or surf after dusk, at night or before dawn when sharks are most active
– Do not swim or surf in murky waters
– Do not swim in or near mouths of estuaries, artificial canals and lakes
– Never swim alone
– Never swim when bleeding
– Do not swim near schools of fish or where fish are being cleaned
– Do not swim near or interfere with shark control equipment
– Do not swim with animals.

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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One comment

  1. With doubt, there are more sharks in Hervey Bay than ever before!

    15 years ago I got most reef fish in the boat, today all I catch is grinners & sharks

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