All three lobsters were seized and thankfully two of the animals were returned to the water alive.

Eastern rock lobster taken illegally in NSW

A diver has been caught illegally fishing for eastern rock lobsters in Long Reef Aquatic Reserve.

On a recent patrol Fisheries Officers were conducting covert surveillance at Long Reef on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, when they intercepted a diver who was found with three eastern rock lobster taken illegally from the reserve.

Two of the lobsters were prohibited in size, less than 10.4 cm, and one was taken illegally using a spear. All three lobsters were seized and thankfully two of the animals were returned to the water alive.

It is prohibited to take any marine invertebrates or vegetation, whether dead or alive (including empty shells), from Long Reef Aquatic Reserve- this includes both lobster and abalone.

When not taken from a closure, eastern rock lobster must have a carapace length between 10.4 cm and 18 cm. It is also prohibited to take this species by any method other than by hand or lawful lobster trap.

The diver will receive multiple penalty notices for these offences.

Fishers are permitted to line fish and spear fish for finfish only in Long Reef Aquatic Reserve. Download the NSW FishSmart App for up-to-date information on closures, bag and size limits and other information.

You can do your part to help protect the State’s precious fisheries resources by reporting illegal fishing activity to the NSW Fishers Watch phoneline on 1800 043 536 or online here – https://fal.cn/3fMUz

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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